Condemned and Dead-End Properties

This dataset contains condemned properties in the City of Pittsburgh and is maintained by the Department of Permits, Licenses, and Inspections (PLI). Some of the properties are labelled as "dead-end", which means that they are condemned properties for which PLI cannot locate the owner. Properties are classified as "dead end" if multiple attempts to make contact with the owner fail.

This dataset contains information about the property condition, location, and owner of each property condemned in the City of Pittsburgh.


These pages provide more information about how and why the data on condemned properties is collected:


  • Currently, some parcel_id values appear in multiple records, leading to the same property appearing multiple times, with different values for fields like latest_inspection_score . This will be fixed soon.
  • The numerical range for latest_inspection_score is currently 0-62, but the system is being adjusted, and eventually these scores will be adjusted to a 1-4 scale.

Daten und Ressourcen

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