122 Datensätze gefunden

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  • Overview This dataset contains all DOMI Street Closure Permit data in the Computronix (CX) system from the date of its adoption (in May 2020) until the present. The data in each record can be used to determine when street closures are occurring, who is requesting these closures, why the closure is being requested,...
  • Smart Trash Containers

    City of Pittsburgh

    Location of the City of Pittsburgh's Smart Trash Containers. NOTE: This data set does not contain other public trash cans such as those in City Parks and the Central Business District.
  • 311 Data

    City of Pittsburgh

    This data set shows 311 service requests in the City of Pittsburgh. This data is collected from the request intake software used by the 311 Response Center in the Department of Innovation & Performance. Requests are collected from phone calls, tweets, emails, a form on the City website, and through the 311...
  • Ballfields PGH

    City of Pittsburgh

    Pittsburgh Ballfields
  • This parking-meters dataset used to mirror the dataset located at https://pghgishub-pittsburghpa.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/e9f766897c9148a4951696f27f13820a_0/explore but has been updated to mirror a more current dataset located at https://pghgishub-...
  • PPA Meter Areas
  • Pittsburgh CDBG Block Groups

    City of Pittsburgh

    This dataset now hosts multiple versions of the Pittsburgh Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Census Block Group areas, obtained from the Pittsburgh GIS portal: one from 2014 and one from 2018. The WPRDC also hosts a dataset containing CDBG Census Block Group tracts.
  • Pittsburgh CDBG Census Tracts

    City of Pittsburgh

    This dataset now hosts multiple versions of the Pittsburgh Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Census Tract areas, obtained from the Pittsburgh GIS portal: one from 2014 and one from 2018. The WPRDC also hosts a dataset containing CDBG Census Block Group areas.
  • Pittsburgh Watersheds

    City of Pittsburgh

    Watersheds for surface water streams and rivers within Pittsburgh boundaries. StreamStats was the original source, and the geometry was simplified afterwards.
  • City of Pittsburgh Emergency Medical Services Districts
  • 2014 FEMA Flood Zones

    City of Pittsburgh

    This is an extract from the Official FEMA Data. For any questions about this data, go to https://www.fema.gov/faq-details/GIS-Data
  • Police Sectors

    City of Pittsburgh

    Pittsburgh Police Sectors
  • Police Zones

    City of Pittsburgh

    Pittsburgh Police Zones
  • Pittsburgh Department of Public Works Administrative Divisions
  • Neighborhoods

    City of Pittsburgh

    Pittsburgh Neighborhoods
  • PGH Residential Permit Parking Program
  • 25% or Greater Slope

    City of Pittsburgh

    Pittsburgh 25% Slope of Greater
  • Pittsburgh Department of Public Works Environmental Services Administrative Divisions
  • Undermined Areas

    City of Pittsburgh

    Pittsburgh Undermined Areas
  • 2018-to-2020 DPW Divisions

    City of Pittsburgh

    Pittsburgh Department of Public Works Adminstrative Divisions