
Spalte Typ Bezeichnung Beschreibung
parcel_id text Parcel ID

The alphanumeric identifier for the Allegheny County parcel of land corresponding to the condemned property.

address text Address

The street address for the condemned property. Note that in some cases the value for this field is: "No primary address specified". In the vast majority of such cases, the street address in the Allegheny County Property Assessments table ( has a house number of zero, which means that the parcel no longer exists (which happens when parcels are merged or split).

owner text Owner

The name of the person or entity who owns the condemned property.

property_type text Property type

Indicates whether the property is just a condemned property ("Condemned Property") or one where the owner could not be contacted ("Dead-End Property").

date date Date

Date that the property received its classification (e.g. "Condemned").

latest_inspection_result text Latest inspection result

The pass/fail result that the property received in its last inspection.

latest_inspection_score int4 Latest inspection score

The numerical score that the property received in its last inspection. A value of 0 indicates that the property passed inspection. Higher integer values indicate the severity of a failed inspection.

inspection_status text Inspection status

This is either "Active" or "Inactive", to indicate whether the property is a subject of ongoing investigation.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Feld Wert
Daten wurden zuletzt aktualisiert 3. März 2025
Metadaten zuletzt aktualisiert 3. März 2025
Erstellt 27. Januar 2023
Format CSV
Lizenz Creative Commons Attribution
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Package idf9006efd-eac0-467a-a0d2-3b3a9a59cd39
Revision id41f3a884-3912-4b90-9ab2-d72aff1172c6
Url typedatapusher