311 Data

This data set shows 311 service requests in the City of Pittsburgh. This data is collected from the request intake software used by the 311 Response Center in the Department of Innovation & Performance. Requests are collected from phone calls, tweets, emails, a form on the City website, and through the 311 mobile application.

For more information, see the 311 Data User Guide.

If you are unable to download the 311 Data table due to a 504 Gateway Timeout error, use this link instead: https://tools.wprdc.org/downstream/76fda9d0-69be-4dd5-8108-0de7907fc5a4

NOTE: The data feed for this dataset is broken as of December 21st, 2022. We're working on restoring it.

Daten und Ressourcen

Zusätzliche Informationen

Feld Wert
Public Access Level Comment

Due to privacy concerns, the specific geographic location of certain 311 complaints are not publicly shared. More information can be found in the 311 Issue and Category Codebook.

Temporal Coverage 2015-02-20/2024-09-18
Geographic Unit Neighborhood
Data Notes
Related Document(s) http://www.pittsburghpa.gov/311/form
Frequency - Data Change Streaming (Real Time)
Frequency - Publishing Multiple Times per Hour
Data Steward
Data Steward Email