
Spalte Typ Bezeichnung Beschreibung
REQUEST_ID text Request ID

Request ID as maintained in the 311 database

CREATED_ON timestamp Date created

Date the request was created

REQUEST_TYPE text Request type

Type of request generated (see Request Type Codebook)

REQUEST_ORIGIN text Request origin

Method used to submit request (where options are Call Center, Report2Gov iOS, Report2Gov Android, Website, Twitter, and Control Panel)

STATUS text Status

Status of the 311 request (where options are 0, 1, and 3 and where 0 = New, 1 = Closed, 3 = Open)

DEPARTMENT text Department

Department assigned the request

NEIGHBORHOOD text Neighborhood

Neighborhood where the request is located (when applicable)

COUNCIL_DISTRICT text Council district

Council district where the request is located

WARD text Ward

Ward where the request is located

TRACT text Tract

Tract number of the request's location

PUBLIC_WORKS_DIVISION text Public Works division

Public Works division where the request is located

PLI_DIVISION text Permits, Licenses & Inspection division

Permits, Licenses & Inspection division where the request is located

POLICE_ZONE text Police zone

Police zone where the request is located

FIRE_ZONE text Fire zone

Fire zone where incident is located

X float8 X

X coordinate (longitude) for the request location

Y float8 Y

Y coordinate (latitude) for the request location

GEO_ACCURACY text Geo-accuracy

Category of specificity for the coordinate data, based on request type. Possible values are EXACT, APPROXIMATE, and OUT_OF_BOUNDS. [Certain request types will contain approximated coordinates to protect the privacy of residents. See the data user guide and request codebook for more information.]

Zusätzliche Informationen

Feld Wert
Daten wurden zuletzt aktualisiert 21. Dezember 2022
Metadaten zuletzt aktualisiert 12. März 2024
Erstellt 4. Dezember 2017
Format CSV
Lizenz Creative Commons Attribution
Dataspatial latitude fieldY
Dataspatial longitude fieldX
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Package ida8f7a1c2-7d4d-4daa-bc30-b866855f0419