Allegheny County Municipal Building Energy and Water Use

This dataset contains energy and water use information from 2010 up through 90 days prior the last refresh date for County-operated buildings. Metrics include: kBtu (thousand British thermal units), site and source EUI (energy use intensity), annual electricity, natural gas and steam consumption and cost, and water and sewer use and cost. Weather-normalized data enable building performance comparisons over time, despite unusual weather events.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Public Access Level Comment
Temporal Coverage 2010-01-01/~3 months ago
Geographic Unit Street Address
Data Notes

Resource updates with a 90-day reporting lag to accommodate delays in billing.

The Department of Sustainability transitioned to a new software vendor that manages county utilities (EnergyCap). Through this transition, the vendor converted historical data from 2015 onward into the new system. This resource represents that final product.

Related Document(s)
Frequency - Data Change
Frequency - Publishing Weekly
Data Steward Brittany Prischak
Data Steward Email Brittany Prischak