Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
bldg_grp text Building group

The building group. In some cases (e.g., Allegheny County Jail), a building group has only one location, for others (e.g. North Park) it comprises many locations.

location text Location

The location as recorded in the database

date date Month

The month of the reported energy use

total_energy_use_mmbtu text

Total amount of energy used in MMBtus for this location in this month

elec_use_kwh text

Total electric used in kwh for this location in this month

nat_gas_use_mcf text

Total natural gas use in MCF for this location in this month

steam_use_klbs text Total steam use in kLbs

Total steam used in klbs for this location in this month

water_use_kgal text Total water use in kgals

Total water used in kgals for this location in this month

wastewater_use_kgal text Total wastewater use in kgals

Total wastewater used in kgals for this facility in this month

total_energy_cost text Total energy cost

Total energy costs for this location in this month

elec_cost text Total electricity cost

Total electricity cost for this location in this month

nat_gas_cost text Total natural gas cost

Total natural gas costs for this location in this month

steam_cost text Total steam cost

The steam cost for this location in this month

water_cost text Total water cost

Total water cost for this location for this month

wastewater_cost text Total wastewater cost

Total wastewater cost for this location in this month

total_utility_cost text Total utility cost

Total utility costs for this location in this month

total_tons_co2 text Total CO2 emissions in tons

Total tons of CO2 emitted as a result of this location’s energy use in this month

elec_tons_co2 text Electricity CO2 emissions in tons

Total tons of CO2 emitted as a result of this location’s electricity use in this month

nat_gas_tons_co2 text Natural gas CO2 emissions in tons

Total tons of CO2 emitted as a result of this location’s natural gas use in this month

steam_tons_co2 text Steam emissions in tons

Total tons of CO2 emitted as a result of this location’s steam use in this month

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated March 1, 2025
Metadata last updated March 1, 2025
Created May 2, 2019
Format CSV
License Creative Commons CCZero
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Package id98ec7315-47ad-4ffc-9368-dea01d054761
Size2.8 MiB
Url typedatapusher