Police Incident Blotter (Archive)

This data ceased updating with the transition to a new records management system on 11/14/2023. Access to the updated data source will be provided in the future.

The Police Blotter Archive contains crime incident data after it has been validated and processed to meet Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) standards, published on a nightly basis. This data validation process creates a data publishing delay of approximately thirty days. Users who require the most recent incident data should use the 30 Day Police Blotter. The 30 Day Police Blotter dataset contains more recent data, but has not yet been run through quality control and standardization procedures by the Police Bureau. All data is reported at the block/intersection level, with the exception of sex crimes, which are reported at the police zone level.

This dataset only contains information reported by City of Pittsburgh Police, and does not contain incidents that solely involve other police departments operating within the city (campus police, Port Authority, etc.)

More documentation is available in our Crime Data Guide.

Daten und Ressourcen

Zusätzliche Informationen

Feld Wert
Public Access Level Comment

Data is generalized to the block level. Sex-based offenses are further generalized to the police zone geography.

Temporal Coverage 2005-01-01/2023-11-04
Geographic Unit Intersection/Street Segment
Data Notes
Related Document(s)
Frequency - Data Change Daily
Frequency - Publishing Weekly
Data Steward Chris Belasco
Data Steward Email Chris Belasco