
Spalte Typ Bezeichnung Beschreibung
neighborhood text

Neighborhood of residence

african_american text

Number of African-American students enrolled

american_indian text

Number of American Indian students enrolled

asian__not_pacific_islander text

Number of Asian students enrolled - excludes Pacific islanders

hispanic text

Number of Hispanic students enrolled

multiracial text

Number of multi-racial students enrolled

native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander text

Number of Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander Students Enrolled

white text

Number of white students enrolled

total_students_enrolled text

Total students enrolled- all races

student_count_redactions text

For records where the redaction field is "Y" and there are missing values in the totals, data has been redacted. Redactions can occur where the overall total is less than 11 students, or in cases where values can be reverse engineered to show counts of less than 11 students. School district policy states that data with fewer than 11 students in each category must be redacted.

attending_feeder text

Count of students living in the neighborhood and attending their "feeder" or assigned school.

attending_nonfeeder text

Count of students living in the neighborhood and attending a PPS school that is not their "feeder" or assigned school.

total_with_feeder_status text

Total of students where feeder pattern status is reported

feeder_count_redactions text

For records where the redaction field is "Y" and there are missing values in the totals, data has been redacted. Redactions can occur where the overall total is less than 11 students, or in cases where values can be reverse engineered to show counts of less than 11 students. School district policy states that data with fewer than 11 students in each category must be redacted.

grade_level text

Grade level

Zusätzliche Informationen

Feld Wert
Daten wurden zuletzt aktualisiert 30. Juli 2021
Metadaten zuletzt aktualisiert 21. Mai 2023
Erstellt 30. Juli 2021
Format CSV
Lizenz Creative Commons Attribution
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Package id27b6eef7-8825-4cc4-8b48-52c17ac80d37
Revision id9ac6a97d-5afe-466b-b331-b42ee208c508
Size14,7 KiB
Url typeupload