Pittsburgh Public Schools Enrollment by Neighborhood, School, and Feeder Pattern

This dataset includes enrollment data for Pittsburgh Public Schools. Data is presented by school, feeder pattern / attendance boundary, and by neighborhood. A table also includes data on the number of students attending schools by neighborhood. Data includes preschool students through 12th grade.

This data can be very useful in understanding neighborhood-level enrollment patterns, student demographics by neighborhood and school, and can also be used to inform school-community partnerships.

Students attending charter, private and parochial schools are not included in this data. Only students enrolled in a Pittsburgh Public School are captured.

Totals with fewer than 11 students have been redacted to adhere to School District privacy policies.

Data was extracted from the Pittsburgh Public Schools data system in January, 2021. It captures the school where the student was enrolled on October 1st. The neighborhood school the student feeds into based on their address as of the beginning of the 2020-21 school year.

Daten und Ressourcen

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Feld Wert
Public Access Level Comment

Totals with fewer than 11 students have been redacted. Fields in each row notes whether redactions have been made.

Temporal Coverage 2020-21
Geographic Unit Neighborhood
Data Notes

Reported by Pittsburgh Public Schools feeder patterns or City of Pittsburgh neighborhood Boundaries. Data obtained March, 2021.

Related Document(s)
Frequency - Data Change Weekly
Frequency - Publishing Annually
Data Steward Steven Greene
Data Steward Email Steven Greene