
Spalte Typ Bezeichnung Beschreibung
Neighborhood text
Id text
Estimate; Total: text
Margin of Error; Total: text
Estimate; Family households: text
Margin of Error; Family households: text
Estimate; Family households: - Married-couple family text
Margin of Error; Family households: - Married-couple family text
Estimate; Family households: - Other family: text
Margin of Error; Family households: - Other family: text
Estimate; Family households: - Other family: - Male householder text
Margin of Error; Family households: - Other family: - Male hous text
Estimate; Family households: - Other family: - Female household text
Margin of Error; Family households: - Other family: - Female ho text
Estimate; Nonfamily households: text
Margin of Error; Nonfamily households: text
Estimate; Nonfamily households: - Householder living alone text
Margin of Error; Nonfamily households: - Householder living alo text
Estimate; Nonfamily households: - Householder not living alone text
Margin of Error; Nonfamily households: - Householder not living text

Zusätzliche Informationen

Feld Wert
Daten wurden zuletzt aktualisiert 7. August 2017
Metadaten zuletzt aktualisiert 21. Mai 2023
Erstellt 7. August 2017
Format CSV
Lizenz Creative Commons Attribution
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Package id307d923c-418e-4838-b2b9-d0896d483f33
Revision id14d8df35-ab75-4f2b-a41c-eee22545cce1
Url typeupload