Pittsburgh Police Arrest Data

This data ceased updating with the transition to a new records management system on 11/14/2023. Access to the updated data source will be provided in the future.

Arrest data contains information on people taken into custody by City of Pittsburgh police officers. More serious crimes such as felony offenses are more likely to result in an arrest. However, arrests can occur as a result of other offenses, such as parole violations or a failure to appear for trial. All data is reported at the block/intersection level, with the exception of sex crimes, which are reported at the police zone level.

This dataset only contains information reported by City of Pittsburgh Police. It does not contain information about incidents that solely involve other police departments operating within the city (for example, campus police or Port Authority police).

More documentation is available in our Crime Data Guide.

Daten und Ressourcen

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Feld Wert
Public Access Level Comment

This data will be updated to reflect the most recent arrest record. It has been generalized to the block level to protect the privacy of those involved. Sex-based offenses are further generalized to the police zone geography. It will not reflect arrests that have been expunged from public record.

Temporal Coverage 1998-03-11/2023-11-14
Geographic Unit Intersection/Street Segment
Data Notes
Related Document(s)
Frequency - Data Change Daily
Frequency - Publishing Weekly
Data Steward Chris Belasco
Data Steward Email Chris Belasco