Pittsburgh Public Schools Enrollment by Neighborhood, School, and Feeder Pattern
Pittsburgh Public Schools
This dataset includes enrollment data for Pittsburgh Public Schools. Data is presented by school, feeder pattern / attendance boundary, and by neighborhood. A table also includes data on the number of students attending schools by neighborhood. Data includes preschool students through 12th grade. This data can be... -
Pittsburgh American Community Survey Data 2015 - Household Types
City of Pittsburgh
The data on relationship to householder were derived from answers to Question 2 in the 2015 American Community Survey (ACS), which was asked of all people in housing units. The question on relationship is essential for classifying the population information on families and other groups. Information about changes in... -
Parking Purchases (Beta)
Pittsburgh Parking Authority
This dataset contains transaction-level records of purchases of parking from the Pittsburgh Parking Authority. Individual transactions are published with information including the zone or meter where the purchase was made, start time of the interval paid for, end time of the interval paid for, purchase time (for... -
Parking Data Dashboard
Pittsburgh Parking Authority
A web app that provides reports on the usage of any Pittsburgh Parking Authority parking lot or zone for a selected date range. -
Housing Market Value Analysis - Urban Redevelopment Authority
Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh
In late 2016, the URA, in conjunction with Reinvestment Fund, completed the 2016 Market Value Analysis (MVA) for the City of Pittsburgh. The Market Value Analysis (MVA) offers an approach for community revitalization; it recommends applying interventions not only to where there is a need for development but also in... -
LEGO Diorama Images
Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center
We often create dioramas from LEGO bricks for use with our presentations, blogs, and social media posts. We find it's much more fun and effective to reenact meetings and other scenes than to try and use real-life images. It also saves us from the hassle of worrying about receiving permission to use a person's photo... -
True Time API Link (real time arrival info)
Pittsburgh Regional Transit
This link will take you to the site where you can create an account to access Pittsburgh Regional Transit's real time arrival information. To request access to Pittsburgh Regional Transit's real-time API, login or create an account at http://truetime.portauthority.org. Once you log in, go to "My Account", under... -
Housing Indicators
Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center
Indicators used in community profiles -
Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center
These files contain mappings of various objects to their spatial coordinates for use in geocoding. -
On Wednesday, October 16, BikePGH, in collaboration with the How’s My Driving app, rallied nearly 70 volunteers to disperse along select Pittsburgh bike lanes to count the number of times vehicles were parking, standing, or loading in the bike-only lanes. Dubbed the “Data Protected Bike Lane Project,” volunteers...
A+ Schools Report to the Community
A+ Schools
This report consolidates information from multiple data sources including PPS, PDE and Pittsburgh charter schools. Data is obtained through downloads from the web or through data requests. Raw data used to generate the reports will be made available as the files are processed. -
Allegheny Land Trust Public Properties
Allegheny Land Trust
These properties are those conservation areas Allegheny Land Trust has made available to the public. Additionally, the hunting permissions are listed for the properties. -
Allegheny County 2000/2010 Census Tract Relationships
University of Pittsburgh
The Allegheny County 2000-2010 Census Tract Relationship File shows how 2010 Census tracts in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania relate to the 2000 Census tracts. Each record (row) consists of one unique relationship between a 2000 Census tract/2010 Census tract spatial set where a spatial set is the unique area shared... -
2020 Census Redistricting Data Extracts (PL 94-171)
University of Pittsburgh
Chris Briem of the University of Pittsburgh Center for Social and Urban Research has been producing extracts from the Census Bureau's PL 94-171 redistricting file. On August 12th, the U.S. Census Bureau released the first detailed data from the 2020 Decennial Census of Population and Housing. Before this, the only...
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