A+ Schools Report to the Community

This report consolidates information from multiple data sources including PPS, PDE and Pittsburgh charter schools. Data is obtained through downloads from the web or through data requests. Raw data used to generate the reports will be made available as the files are processed.

Daten und Ressourcen

Zusätzliche Informationen

Feld Wert
Public Access Level Comment

Subgroup scores are reported as "n/a" when that subgroup had 0-10 students (test scores for 10 or fewer studentsin a group or subgroup are not reported by PDE).

Temporal Coverage 2005-2012/2014-2016
Geographic Unit Other
Data Notes

See "Definitions and Sources" for more information about data. Data from 2013 was not published due to changes in state reporting requirements that caused A+ Schools to miss its publishing window.

Related Document(s) Always refer to the published version of the Report.
Frequency - Data Change Annually
Frequency - Publishing Annually
Data Steward A+ Schools
Data Steward Email A+ Schools