2015 Crash Data
URL: https://data.wprdc.org/datastore/dump/6a7016bd-f98c-4bed-b646-a416d60ad766
Dataset description:
Contains locations and information about every crash incident reported to the police in Westmoreland County from 2011 to 2015. Fields include injury severity, fatalities, information...
Source: Westmoreland County Crash Data
Data Dictionary
Column | Type | Label | Description |
CRASH_CRN | float8 | Name of the Roadway | |
DISTRICT | float8 | District Number where crash occurred | |
CRASH_COUNTY | float8 | County where crash occurred | |
MUNICIPALITY | float8 | County Municipality Code | |
POLICE_AGCY | text | Code of the reporting Police Agency | |
CRASH_YEAR | float8 | Year when the crash occurred | |
CRASH_MONTH | float8 | Month when the crash occurred | |
DAY_OF_WEEK | float8 | Day of the Week code when crash occurred | |
TIME_OF_DAY | float8 | The time of day when the crash occurred | |
HOUR_OF_DAY | float8 | The hour of Day when the crash occurred | |
ILLUMINATION | float8 | Code that defines lighting at crash scene | 1 – Daylight 2 – Dark – no street lights 3 – Dark – street lights 4 – Dusk 5 – Dawn 6 – Dark – unknown roadway lighting 8 – Other 9 – Unknown (expired) |
WEATHER | float8 | Code for the weather type at time of crash | 1 – No adverse conditions 2 – Rain 3 – Sleet (hail) 4 – Snow 5 – Fog |
ROAD_CONDITION | float8 | Roadway Surface Condition Code | 0 – Dry 1 – Wet 2 – Sand/ mud/ dirt/ oil/ or gravel 3 – Snow covered 4 – Slush 5 – Ice 6 – Ice Patches 7 – Water – standing or moving 8 – Other 9 – Unknown (expired) |
COLLISION_TYPE | float8 | Collision category that defines the crash | 0 – Non collision 1 – Rear-end 2 – Head-on 3 – Rear-to-rear (Backing) 4 – Angle 5 – Sideswipe (same dir.) 6 – Sideswipe (Opposite dir.) 7 – Hit fixed object 8 – Hit pedestrian 9 – Other or Unknown |
RELATION_TO_ROAD | float8 | Code for the crash’s relativity to the road | 1 – On roadway 2 – Shoulder 3 – Median 4 – Roadside (off trafficway; on vehicle area) 5 – Outside trafficway (in area not meant for vehicles) 6 – In parking lane 7 – Gore (intersection of ramp and highway) 9 – Unknown |
INTERSECT_TYPE | float8 | Code that defines the Intersection Type | 00 – Mid-block 01 – Four way intersection 02 – “T” intersection 03 – “Y” intersection 04 – Traffic circle or Round About 05 – Multi-leg intersection 06 – On ramp 07 – Off ramp 08 – Crossover 09 – Railroad crossing 10 – Other 99 – Unknown (expired) |
TCD_TYPE | float8 | Code that defines the Traffic Control Device | 0 – Not applicable 1 – Flashing traffic signal 2 – Traffic signal 3 – Stop sign 4 – Yield sign 5 – Active RR crossing controls 6 – Passive RR crossing controls 7 – Police officer or flagman 8 – Other Type TCD |
URBAN_RURAL | float8 | Code to classify crash as Urban or Rural | 1 – RURAL 2 – SMALL URBAN AREA (pop. To 49,999) 3 – URBANIZED AREA (pop. 50,000 to 199,999) 4 – URBANIZED AREA (pop. 200,000 or more) |
LOCATION_TYPE | float8 | Code that defines the crash location | 0 – Not applicable 1 – Underpass 2 – Ramp 3 – Bridge 4 – Tunnel 5 – Toll Booth 6 – Cross over related 7 – Driveway or Parking Lot 8 – Ramp and bridge 9 – Unknown |
SCH_BUS_IND | text | Did the crash involve a School Bus? (Y/N) | |
SCH_ZONE_IND | text | Did the crash occur in a School Zone? (Y/N) | |
TOTAL_UNITS | float8 | ||
PERSON_COUNT | float8 | Total amount of people involved | |
VEHICLE_COUNT | float8 | Total amount of all vehicles involved | |
AUTOMOBILE_COUNT | float8 | Total Amount of Automobiles Involved | |
MOTORCYCLE_COUNT | float8 | Total amount of Motorcycles Involved | |
BUS_COUNT | float8 | Total amount of Buses involved | |
SMALL_TRUCK_COUNT | float8 | Total amount of Small Trucks involved | |
HEAVY_TRUCK_COUNT | float8 | Total amount of Heavy Trucks involved | |
SUV_COUNT | float8 | Total count of sport utility vehicles involved | |
VAN_COUNT | float8 | Total amount of vans involved | |
BICYCLE_COUNT | float8 | Total amount of Bicycles involved | |
FATAL_COUNT | float8 | Total amount of fatalities involved | |
INJURY_COUNT | float8 | Total count of all injuries sustained | |
MAJ_INJ_COUNT | float8 | Total amount of Major Injuries involved | |
MOD_INJ_COUNT | float8 | Total amount of Moderate Injuries | |
MIN_INJ_COUNT | float8 | Total amount of Minor Injuries | |
UNK_INJ_DEG_COUNT | float8 | No. of injuries with unknown severity | |
UNK_INJ_PER_COUNT | float8 | No. of people that are unknown if injured | |
UNBELTED_OCC_COUNT | float8 | Total count of all unbelted occupants | |
UNB_DEATH_COUNT | float8 | No. of people killed not wearing a seatbelt | |
UNB_MAJ_INJ_COUNT | float8 | Total # of unbelted sustaining Major Injuries | |
BELTED_DEATH_COUNT | float8 | Total Deaths of belted occupants | |
BELTED_MAJ_INJ_COUNT | float8 | Total Major Injuries of belted occupants | |
MCYCLE_DEATH_COUNT | float8 | Total amount of Motorcyclist fatalities | |
MCYCLE_MAJ_INJ_COUNT | float8 | Total amount of Motorcyclist Major Injuries | |
BICYCLE_DEATH_COUNT | float8 | Total amount of Bicyclist Fatalities | |
BICYCLE_MAJ_INJ_COUNT | float8 | Total amount of Bicyclist Major Injuries | |
PED_COUNT | float8 | Total amount of Pedestrians involved | |
PED_DEATH_COUNT | float8 | Total amount of Pedestrian fatalities | |
PED_MAJ_INJ_COUNT | float8 | Total amount of Pedestrian Major Injuries | |
COMM_VEH_COUNT | float8 | Total Commercial vehicles involved | |
MAX_SEVERITY_LEVEL | float8 | Injury severity level of the crash | |
DRIVER_COUNT_16YR | float8 | Total amount of 16 year old drivers | |
DRIVER_COUNT_17YR | float8 | Total amount of 17 year old drivers | |
DRIVER_COUNT_18YR | float8 | Total amount of 18 year old drivers | |
DRIVER_COUNT_19YR | float8 | Total amount of 19 year old drivers | |
DRIVER_COUNT_20YR | float8 | Total amount of 20 year old drivers | |
DRIVER_COUNT_50_64YR | float8 | Total amount of 50 to 64 year old drivers | |
DRIVER_COUNT_65_74YR | float8 | Total amount of 65 to 74 year old drivers | |
DRIVER_COUNT_75PLUS | float8 | Total amount of drivers ages 75 and up | |
LATITUDE | text | GPS Coordinates from Police if present | |
LONGITUDE | text | GPS Coordinates from Police if present | |
DEC_LAT | float8 | Decimal Latitude for SR’s | |
DEC_LONG | float8 | Decimal Longitude for SR’s | |
EST_HRS_CLOSED | float8 | Estimated hours closed | |
LANE_CLOSED | float8 | Was there a lane closure? (Y/N) | |
LN_CLOSE_DIR | float8 | Direction of traffic in closed lane (s) | 1 – North 2 – South 3 – East 4 – West 5 – North And South 6 – East and West 7 – All (N,S,E,W) |
NTFY_HIWY_MAINT | text | PENNDOT highway maintenance notified? | |
RDWY_SURF_TYPE_CD | float8 | Code for the Roadway surface type | 1 - Concrete 2 - Blacktop 3 - Brick or Block 4 - Slag, Gravel, or Stone 5 - Dirt 8 - Other 9 - Unknown |
SPEC_JURIS_CD | float8 | Special Jurisdiction Code | 0 – No Special Jurisdiction 1 – National Park 2 – Military 3 – Indian Reservation 4 – College/University Campus 5 – Other Federal Sites 8 - Other 9 – Unknown |
TCD_FUNC_CD | float8 | Code for Traffic Control Device state | 0 – No Controls 1 – Device not Functioning 2 – Device Functioning improperly 3 – Device Functioning properly 4 – Emergency Preemptive Signal 9 – Unknown |
TFC_DETOUR_IND | text | Was the Traffic Detoured? (Y/N) | |
WORK_ZONE_IND | text | Did the crash occur in a work zone (Y/N) | |
WORK_ZONE_TYPE | float8 | Code to define the type of Work Zone | |
WORK_ZONE_LOC | float8 | The Work Zone Location Code | |
CONS_ZONE_SPD_LIM | float8 | Speed limit for the Construction Zone | |
WORKERS_PRES | text | Were construction personnel present? (Y/N) | |
WZ_CLOSE_DETOUR | text | Was traffic rerouted due to work zone?(Y/N) | |
WZ_FLAGGER | text | Was traffic rerouted due to work zone?(Y/N) | |
WZ_LAW_OFFCR_IND | text | Did Work zone have a patrolman? (Y/N) | |
WZ_LN_CLOSURE | text | Did Work zone have a lane closure? (Y/N) | |
WZ_MOVING | text | Was there moving work in the zone? (Y/N) | |
WZ_OTHER | text | Was this a special type of work zone? (Y/N) | |
WZ_SHLDER_MDN | text | Was a median/shoulder in the zone? (Y/N) | |
FLAG_CRN | float8 | Crash Record Number | |
INTERSTATE | float8 | Non-Turnpike Interstate Indicator | |
STATE_ROAD | float8 | State Road Indicator | |
LOCAL_ROAD | float8 | Local Road Indicator | |
LOCAL_ROAD_ONLY | float8 | Local Road Only Indicator | |
TURNPIKE | float8 | Turnpike Indicator | |
WET_ROAD | float8 | Wet Road Indicator | |
SNOW_SLUSH_ROAD | float8 | Snow Slush Road Indicator | |
ICY_ROAD | float8 | Icy Road Indicator | |
SUDDEN_DEER | float8 | Sudden Deer Indicator | |
SHLDR_RELATED | float8 | Shoulder Related Indicator | |
REAR_END | float8 | Rear End Collision Indicator | |
HO_OPPDIR_SDSWP | float8 | Head on or Side Swipe Indicator | |
HIT_FIXED_OBJECT | float8 | Hit Fixed Object Indicator | |
SV_RUN_OFF_RD | float8 | Single Vehicle Run Off Road Indicator | |
WORK_ZONE | float8 | Work Zone Indicator | |
PROPERTY_DAMAGE_ONLY | float8 | Property Damage Only Indicator | |
FATAL_OR_MAJ_INJ | float8 | Fatality or Major Injury Indicator | |
INJURY | float8 | Injury Indicator | |
FATAL | float8 | Fatality Indicator | |
NON_INTERSECTION | float8 | Non Intersection Indicator | |
INTERSECTION | float8 | Intersection Indicator | |
SIGNALIZED_INT | float8 | Signalized Intersection Indicator | |
STOP_CONTROLLED_INT | float8 | Stop Controlled Intersection Indicator | |
UNSIGNALIZED_INT | float8 | Unsignalized Intersection Indicator | |
SCHOOL_BUS | float8 | School Bus Indicator | |
SCHOOL_ZONE | float8 | School Zone Indicator | |
HIT_DEER | float8 | Hit Deer Indicator | |
HIT_TREE_SHRUB | float8 | Hit Tree or Shrub Indicator | |
HIT_EMBANKMENT | float8 | Hit Embankment Indicator | |
HIT_POLE | float8 | Hit Pole Indicator | |
HIT_GDRAIL | float8 | Hit Guide Rail Indicator | |
HIT_GDRAIL_END | float8 | Hit Guide Rail End Indicator | |
HIT_BARRIER | float8 | Hit Barrier Indicator | |
HIT_BRIDGE | float8 | Hit Bridge Indicator | |
OVERTURNED | float8 | Overturned Vehicle Indicator | |
MOTORCYCLE | float8 | Motorcycle Indicator | |
BICYCLE | float8 | Bicycle Indicator | |
HVY_TRUCK_RELATED | float8 | Heavy Truck Related Indicator | |
VEHICLE_FAILURE | float8 | Vehicle Failure Indicator | |
TRAIN_TROLLEY | float8 | Train or Trolley Indicator | |
PHANTOM_VEHICLE | float8 | Phantom Vehicle Indicator | |
ALCOHOL_RELATED | float8 | Alcohol Related Indicator | |
DRINKING_DRIVER | float8 | Drinking Driver Indicator | |
UNDERAGE_DRNK_DRV | float8 | Under Age drinking driver Indicator | |
UNLICENSED | float8 | Unlicensed Driver Indicator | |
CELL_PHONE | float8 | Driver with Cell Phone Indicator | |
NO_CLEARANCE | float8 | No Clearance Indicator | |
RUNNING_RED_LT | float8 | Driver Running Red Light Indicator | |
TAILGATING | float8 | Tailgating Indicator | |
CROSS_MEDIAN | float8 | Cross Median Indicator | |
CURVE_DVR_ERROR | float8 | Curve in Road Driver Error Indicator | |
LIMIT_65MPH | float8 | 65MPH Speed Limit Indicator | |
SPEEDING | float8 | Speeding Indicator | |
SPEEDING_RELATED | float8 | Speeding Related Indicator | |
AGGRESSIVE_DRIVING | float8 | Aggressive Driving Indicator | |
FATIGUE_ASLEEP | float8 | Fatigue or Asleep Indicator | |
DRIVER_16YR | float8 | Driver is 16 Years of Age Indicator | |
DRIVER_17YR | float8 | Driver is 17 Years of Age Indicator | |
DRIVER_65_74YR | float8 | Driver is between 65 and 74 Indicator | |
DRIVER_75PLUS | float8 | Driver is 75 Years of Age Plus Indicator | |
UNBELTED | float8 | Anyone in crash unbelted indicator | |
PEDESTRIAN | float8 | Pedestrian Indicator | |
DISTRACTED | float8 | Distracted Driver Indicator | |
CURVED_ROAD | float8 | Curve in Road | |
DRIVER_18YR | float8 | Driver is 18 Years of Age Indicator | |
DRIVER_19YR | float8 | Driver is 19 Years of Age Indicator | |
DRIVER_20YR | float8 | Driver is 20 Years of Age Indicator | |
DRIVER_50_64YR | float8 | Driver is 50 to 64Years of Age Indicator | |
VEHICLE_TOWED | float8 | Vehicle Towed Indicator | |
FIRE_IN_VEHICLE | float8 | At least 1 Vehicle with Fire Damage | |
HIT_PARKED_VEHICLE | float8 | Hit Parked Vehicle Indiator | |
MC_DRINKING_DRIVER | float8 | At least 1 Motorcycle driver has reported or suspected Alcohol Use | |
DRUGGED_DRIVER | float8 | Drugged Driver Indicator | |
INJURY_OR_FATAL | float8 | At least 1 Person Was Injured or Killed in the Crash | |
COMM_VEHICLE | float8 | Crash has at least 1 involved Commercial Vehicle | |
IMPAIRED_DRIVER | float8 | At least One Driver was Impaired by Drugs or Alcohol | |
DEER_RELATED | float8 | Deer Related Indicator | |
DRUG_RELATED | float8 | Drug Related Indicator | |
HAZARDOUS_TRUCK | float8 | At least one Heavy Truck carrying Hazardous Material | |
ILLEGAL_DRUG_RELATED | float8 | At Least 1 Driver or Pedestrian had reported or suspected Illegal Drug Use | |
ILLUMINATION_DARK | float8 | Illumination Indicates that the Crash Scene Lighting was Dark | |
MINOR_INJURY | float8 | At least 1 Person Sustained a Minor Injury | |
MODERATE_INJURY | float8 | At least 1 Person Sustained a Moderate Injury | |
MAJOR_INJURY | float8 | At least 1 Person Sustained a Major Injury | |
NHTSA_AGG_DRIVING | float8 | The Crash meets the NHTSA definition of Aggressive Driving | |
PSP_REPORTED | float8 | Crash Investigated by the Pennsylvania State Police | |
RUNNING_STOP_SIGN | float8 | Driver Running Stop Sign Indicator | |
TRAIN | float8 | Train Indicator | |
TROLLEY | float8 | Trolley Indicator | |
ROADWAY_CRN | float8 | Crash Record Number | |
RDWY_SEQ_NUM | float8 | Crash Roadway Sequence Number | |
ADJ_RDWY_SEQ | float8 | Adjusted Roadway Sequence Number | |
ACCESS_CTRL | float8 | Access Control Code | |
ROADWAY_COUNTY | float8 | County Code Number where crash occurred | |
LANE_COUNT | float8 | Travel Lane Count | |
RDWY_ORIENT | text | Roadway Orientation Code | |
ROAD_OWNER | float8 | 1 - Interstate - non turnpike 2 - State highway 3 - County road 4 - Local road or street 5 - East-West portion of turnpike 6 - Turnpike spur (extension) 7 - Private Road 9 - Other or Unknown |
ROUTE | text | Route Number | |
SPEED_LIMIT | float8 | Speed Limit | |
SEGMENT | float8 | Segment Number | |
OFFSET | float8 | Offset Number | |
STREET_NAME | text | Name of the Roadway |
Additional Information
Field | Value |
Data last updated | September 1, 2016 |
Metadata last updated | May 21, 2023 |
Created | August 17, 2016 |
Format | CSV |
License | Creative Commons CCZero |
Datastore active | True |
Has views | True |
Id | 6a7016bd-f98c-4bed-b646-a416d60ad766 |
Mimetype | text/csv |
Package id | f0f9d2cf-ecd1-4d6b-9291-78707af92b3c |
Position | 1 |
Revision id | 3a25ee84-d939-463d-b044-cc378fbbf90d |
State | active |
Url type | datapusher |