Allegheny County Employee Salaries

This dataset includes annual salary, regular pay, incentive pay, and gross pay for employees under the County Executive and independently elected County officials for the years 2016 to the present, and is updated twice per year.

For December files, Annual Salary is the employee's annual salary or annualized wage as of the last pay period for the year, and the pay data fields (Regular Pay, Incentive Pay and Gross Pay) are payments made to the employee through the last pay period of the year. The June file contains the Annual Salary, and the pay data as of the last pay period in June. Note that the June file is replaced by the December file each year.

Union contracted salaries and wages which were not settled during the calendar year reflect the wage as of the end of the year. Regular Pay for these positions includes salaries and wages for the year it was paid, not the year it was earned.

In addition to salary or wages for days worked and retroactively settled contract payments, Regular Pay also includes pay for days such as holidays, sick days, and vacation days. Overtime Pay includes pay for extra work typically at a wage rate different from regular wages as set forth in a collective bargaining agreement. Incentive Pay includes such things as a wellness incentive and longevity pay.

Employee names are included in the dataset with the following exceptions permitted by the Pennsylvania Right to Know Law:

  • The names of individuals who were active sworn law enforcement officers during the year; and
  • Information that would disclose individually identifiable health information.

Additionally, records related to Court of Common Pleas employees would need to be requested from the Courts.

In March 2022, the salary data files prior to 2021 were updated so that all columns matched for consistent presentation.

Support for Health Equity datasets and tools provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) through their Health Equity Initiative.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Public Access Level Comment

Employee names were removed for most Law Enforcement positions.

Temporal Coverage 2016-01-01/2021-12-31
Geographic Unit Not Applicable
Data Notes
Related Document(s)
Frequency - Data Change As Needed
Frequency - Publishing Bi-Annually
Data Steward Nichole Nagle
Data Steward Email Nichole Nagle