63 datasets found

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  • Neighborhoods with SNAP Data

    City of Pittsburgh

    Pittsburgh Neighborhoods
  • MovePGH Project Map

    City of Pittsburgh

    Map Showing locations of Projects Classified for MovePGH
  • Snow Plow Activity (2018-2020)

    City of Pittsburgh

    Snow Plow GPS readings during declared City of Pittsburgh Snow Events. Includes readings on plow (up or down) and salt spreader speed. Please note: The system tracking snow plows was not fully deployed for the 2018-2019 or 2019-2020 seasons. Therefore readings from these events may not include all the vehicles or...
  • Snow Plow Activity (2015-2016)

    City of Pittsburgh

    Snow Plow data from the the City of Pittsburgh's Snow Plow Tracker. These data are collected from the Snow Plow Tracker's Fusion Table and converted to geoJSON. Each file is named using the timestamp representation of the date and time the corresponding 'Snow Event' started.
  • Here you can find Pittsburgh International Airport’s Monthly Scheduled Traffic Reports. Each of these reports contain a year-over-year (YOY) analysis of scheduled flights and available seats. Flights and seats are for the entire month listed and are based solely on departures.
  • Signalized intersections operated and maintained by the City of Pittsburgh's Department of Public Works
  • NOTE: This dataset is no longer being updated. For current right-of-way data, see https://data.wprdc.org/dataset/street-closures. Submitted permits which affect the public right of way, including; road openings, machinery, valet parking, traffic obstructions, and more.
  • This traffic-count data is provided by the City of Pittsburgh's Department of Mobility & Infrastructure (DOMI). Counters were deployed as part of traffic studies, including intersection studies, and studies covering where or whether to install speed humps. In some cases, data may have been collected by the...
  • Healthy Ride station locations, names, id numbers, and dock capacities. The Healthy Ride system was replaced by POGOH in May 2022. Data for the POGOH system may be found here: https://data.wprdc.org/organization/pogoh
  • A dataset that shows trips taken using the Healthy Ride system by quarter. The dataset includes bike number, membership type, trip start and end timestamp, and origin and destination information. A trip is defined as any valid rental one minute or longer. The Healthy Ride system was replaced by POGOH in May 2022....
  • In Pittsburgh, Autonomous Vehicle (AV) companies have been testing autonomous vehicles since September 2016. However, the tech is new, and there have been some high-profile behavior that we believe warrants a larger conversation. So in early 2017, we set out to design a survey to see both how BikePGH donor-members,...
  • City Traffic Signs

    City of Pittsburgh

    City of Pittsburgh Traffic signs such as; Stop, Stop Ahead, and Yield Signs, and Wayfinder signs. This is an on-going inventory of Signs, as the Department of Public Works is able to update its inventory new sign types will be added. NOTE: The data in this dataset has not updated since 2021 because of a broken data...
  • Baldwin Borough Signs

    Baldwin Borough

    An inventory by location of the signs on Borough of Baldwin roads and properties, such as street signs, traffic signs, and warning signs.
  • City of Pittsburgh Speed Humps

    City of Pittsburgh

    Speed humps installed by the City of Pittsburgh to slow down traffic NOTE: The data in this dataset has not updated since 2021 because of a broken data feed. We're working to fix it.
  • A structured data feed that provides current bike availability at Healthy Ride stations in Pittsburgh. The Healthy Ride system was replaced by POGOH in May 2022. Data for the POGOH system may be found here: https://data.wprdc.org/organization/pogoh
  • Pittsburgh North Side Commercial Parking Overlay
  • Pittsburgh Bridges

    City of Pittsburgh

    Pittsburgh Bridges
  • City of Pittsburgh Bridges

    City of Pittsburgh

    Bridges in the city of Pittsburgh.
  • Paving Schedule

    City of Pittsburgh

    City of Pittsburgh street paving schedule. NOTE: The data in this dataset has not updated since 2021 because of a broken data feed. We're working to fix it.
  • Intersection markings including crosswalk and stop line locations and information. NOTE: The data in this dataset has not updated since 2021 (or 2018, in the case of the crosswalks data) because of a broken data feed. We're working to fix it.