TRI Facilities
TRI Facilities in Allegheny County
Data Dictionary
Kolumna | Typ | Label | Opis |
ID | text | TRI Facility ID | The TRI Facility Identification Number assigned by the EPA/TRI. |
FACILITY_NAME | text | Facility Name | Facility Name |
STREET_ADDRESS | text | Street Address | Street Address where facility is located |
CITY_NAME | text | City | Name of city where facility is located |
COUNTY_NAME | text | County | Name of county where facility is located |
STATE_COUNTY_FIPS_CODE | text | State County FIPS Code | FIPS Code for State and County where facility is located |
STATE_ABBR | text | State | Abbreviation of state where the facility is located |
ZIP_CODE | text | Zip Code | ZIP code where facility is located. Either 5 or 9 characters. No hyphens. |
REGION | text | Region | The EPA region in which the facility is located. |
FAC_CLOSED_IND | text | Facility Closed Indicator | A flag that indicates whether a facility is open (value =' 0'), closed (value = '1'), or inactive for TRI (value = '2'). |
MAIL_NAME | text | Mailing Name | The name which the facility or establishment uses for receiving mail if the address used for mail is different than in the Street box. This may or may not be the same as the name listed in the Facility or Establishment Name box. |
MAIL_STREET_ADDRESS | text | Mailing Address | The address the facility or establishment uses for receiving mail. Form R instructs the submitter to enter the address used for mail only if different than in the Street box. The TRIS database stores the address from the Street box (STREET_ADDRESS) in MAILING_STREET_ADDRESS even when the facility Mailing address is not different. |
MAIL_CITY | text | Mailing City | The city the facility or establishment uses to receive mail. This may or may not be the same as the information reported in the City box. |
MAIL_STATE_ABBR | text | Mailing State | The state abbreviation the facility or establishment uses to receive mail. This may or may not be the same as the information reported in the State box. |
MAIL_PROVINCE | text | Mailing Province | The province the facility or establishment uses to receive mail. A facility may receive mail at an address outside of the United States. The province field gives a facility the flexibility needed to enter a correct mailing address outside the United States. |
MAIL_COUNTRY | text | Mailing Country | The country the facility or establishment uses to receive mail. |
MAIL_ZIP_CODE | text | Mailing Zip Code | The zip code the facility or establishment uses to receive mail. This may or may not be the same as the information reported in the Zip Code box. |
ASGN_FEDERAL_IND | text | Federal Indicator | An identifier that indicates the ownership status of a facility. A Federal facility is a facility owned or operated by the Federal government. This includes facilities that are operated by contractors to the Federal government (i.e., a facility where the land is owned by the Federal government but a private company is under contract to run the facility's operations). The types of Federal facilities that report to TRI are broader than the types of private sector facilities that report to TRI (e.g., DOD military bases). Values: C = 'Commercial', F = 'Federal facility', and G = 'Government owned/contractor operated' (GOCO). |
ASGN_AGENCY | text | FRS ABV | An abbreviation for the name of the agency supported by a federal or Government Owned/Contractor Operated (GOCO) reporting site. |
FRS_ID | text | FRS ID | Indicates the Facility Registry Service (FRS) id for a TRI Facility, POTW Facility or Off-site Transfer Location facility. The Facility Registry Service (FRS) is a centrally managed database at EPA that identifies facilities, sites or places subject to environmental regulations or of environmental interest. Using the FRS Id (EPA_REGISTRY_ID), data users can link data from different EPA programs together. See the Facility Registry Service at for more details. |
PARENT_CO_DB_NUM | text | Parent Company DB Number | The number which has been assigned to the parent company by Dun & Bradstreet. Dun & Bradstreet is a private financial tracking and accounting firm. Not all parent companies will have a Dun & Bradstreet number. 'NA' indicates that the facility or establishment's parent company does not have a Dun & Bradstreet number. |
PARENT_CO_NAME | text | Parent Company Name | Name of the corporation or other business company that is the ultimate parent company, located in the United States, of the facility or establishment submitting the data. The parent company is the company that directly owns at least 50 percent of the voting stock of the reporting company. This does not include foreign parent companies. 'NA' indicates that the facility does not have a parent company. |
FAC_LATITUDE | text | Facility Latitude | The series of numbers that identifies the exact physical location of the facility as a measure of the angular distance north form the earth's equator to the center of the facility. The value is stored as degrees, minutes and seconds (0DDMMSS), and the first position is zero-filled. The value is positive for locations north of the equator. |
FAC_LONGITUDE | text | Facility Longitude | The series of numbers which identifies the exact physical location of the facility as a measure of the arc or portion of the earth's equator between the meridian of the center of the facility and the prime meridian. The right-justified value is stored as degrees, minutes and seconds (0DDDMMSS). Tenths of seconds are not stored. The value is negative for locations in the Western hemisphere. |
PREF_LATITUDE | float8 | EPA Latitude | The EPA's preferred geographic latitude estimation of the reporting facility. Value for latitude is in decimal degrees. This is a signed field. |
PREF_LONGITUDE | float8 | EPA Longitude | |
PREF_ACCURACY | int4 | GEO Accuracy | The EPA's preferred geographic coordinate accuracy estimation for the reporting facility. Describes the accuracy value as a range (+/) in meters of the latitude and longitude. |
PREF_COLLECT_METH | text | GEO Method | The EPA's preferred geographic coordinate collection method code for the reporting facility. Method used to determine the latitude and longitude. |
PREF_DESC_CATEGORY | text | GEO Description | The EPA's preferred geographic coordinate description category. Describes the category of feature referenced by the latitude and longitude. |
PREF_HORIZONTAL_DATUM | text | GEO Datum | The EPA's preferred geographic coordinate horizontal datum. Reference datum of the latitude and longitude. |
PREF_SOURCE_SCALE | text | GEO Scale | The EPA's preferred geographic coordinate source map scale code. This is the scale of the source used to determine the latitude and longitude. |
PREF_QA_CODE | text | GEO Quality Test | "Contains the results of four quality assurance tests (Test 1 throughTest 4 below) used to determine facility location. ""ZIP Code BoundingBox"" is a rectangle generated from the ZIP Code boundaries, which isdefined by the extreme north-south latitude and east-west longitudes,plus 1 kilometer (km) in each direction. The quality assurance tests are: Test 1 = ZIP Code Bounding Box Test 2 = ZIP Centroid Proximity Test 3 = Alternate Coordinate Proximity Test 4 = Alternate Coordinate Cluster The results for Tests 1, 2, 3, and 4 are listed left to right in the column, respectively. The possible values and description for each result are: 0 = test was not performed 1 = test was performed and passed 2 = test was performed and failed" |
ASGN_PARTIAL_IND | text | Entire Facility Flag | Indicates that the facility reports by establishment or groups of establishments as assigned by TRI from Form R submissions. Partial facilities may have more than one submission for the same chemical in one reporting year. Values: 0 = 'Entire facility', 1 = 'Partial facility'. |
ASGN_PUBLIC_CONTACT | text | Public Contact Name | The name of the individual who may be contacted by the general public with questions regarding the company and the information reported to TRI as assigned by TRI from Form R submissions. This person may or may not be familiar with the information provided in the form but has been designated by the facility or establishment to handle public inquiries. |
ASGN_PUBLIC_PHONE | text | Public Contact Phone | The phone number to reach the person identified in the Public Contact Name box (PUBLIC_CONTACT_PERSON), as assigned by TRI from Form R submissions. |
ASGN_PUBLIC_PHONE_EXT | text | Public Phone Extention | The telephone extension of the Public Contact Person as reported on the form R |
ASGN_PUBLIC_CONTACT_EMAIL | text | Public Contact Email | The Email address of the PUBLIC_CONTACT_PERSON. |
BIA_CODE | text | Bureau of Indian Affairs Tribal Code | The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Tribal Code that indicates the tribal land that the facility is located on. A facility reports this three digit code to the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) program on the form R or form A. There are over 300 BIA Tribal Codes. For a list of BIA Tribal Codes and associated Tribe Names: |
STANDARDIZED_PARENT_COMPANY | text | Standardized Parent Company | A data field developed by EPA that is intended to best reflect the current ultimate US parent company for the facility. EPA developed this field to facilitate the aggregation of TRI facility-level information to the associated parent company by ensuring that each company is referenced consistently by the same name. Filers often submit names with small variations (e.g., Exopack vs. Exopack Holdings Corp) that make aggregation at the corporate level challenging when using parent names as reported. The standardized parent company field was developed by standardizing the self-submitted parent company names through a process described on the TRI website (e.g., eliminating periods, standardizing common acronyms such as Inc and Corp, etc.). The process also includes the replacement of subsidiary names with the name of the ultimate US parent in cases where EPA identified a subsidiary in the submitted parent company field. |
EPA_REGISTRY_ID | text | FRS ID | Indicates the Facility Registry Service (FRS) id for a TRI Facility, POTW Facility or Off-site Transfer Location facility. The Facility Registry Service (FRS) is a centrally managed database at EPA that identifies facilities, sites or places subject to environmental regulations or of environmental interest. Using the FRS Id (EPA_REGISTRY_ID), data users can link data from different EPA programs together. See the Facility Registry Service at for more details. |
Dodatkowe informacje
Pole | Wartość |
Data last updated | 9 stycznia 2025 |
Metadata last updated | 9 stycznia 2025 |
Created | 16 września 2020 |
Format | CSV |
Licencja | Creative Commons CCZero |
Datastore active | True |
Has views | True |
Id | d41759fa-3099-46ae-8a0d-3198ccc80002 |
Package id | 2cff4c07-423a-4b61-af08-7288fbb773eb |
Position | 5 |
Size | 74,6 KiB |
State | active |
Url type | datapusher |