Data Dictionary

Kolumna Typ Label Opis

The TRI Facility Identification Number assigned by the EPA/TRI.

DOC_CTRL_NUM text Document Control Number

The Document Control Number is a unique ID that is assigned to each TRI reporting form.

FACILITY_NAME text Facility Name

Facility Name

STREET_ADDRESS text Street Address

Street Address where facility is located

CITY_NAME text City

Name of city where facility is located

COUNTY_NAME text County

Name of county where facility is located


FIPS Code for State and County where facility is located

STATE_ABBR text State

Abbreviation of state where the facility is located

ZIP_CODE text ZIP Code

ZIP code where facility is located. Either 5 or 9 characters. No hyphens.

REGION text Region

The EPA region in which the facility is located.

FAC_CLOSED_IND text Facility Closed Indicator

A flag that indicates whether a facility is open (value =' 0'), closed (value = '1'), or inactive for TRI (value = '2').

ASGN_FEDERAL_IND text Federal Indicator

An identifier that indicates the ownership status of a facility. A Federal facility is a facility owned or operated by the Federal government. This includes facilities that are operated by contractors to the Federal government (i.e., a facility where the land is owned by the Federal government but a private company is under contract to run the facility's operations). The types of Federal facilities that report to TRI are broader than the types of private sector facilities that report to TRI (e.g., DOD military bases). Values: C = 'Commercial', F = 'Federal facility', and G = 'Government owned/contractor operated' (GOCO).

ASGN_AGENCY text Agency Abbreviation

An abbreviation for the name of the agency supported by a federal or Government Owned/Contractor Operated (GOCO) reporting site.

PARENT_CO_DB_NUM text Parent Company DB Number

The number which has been assigned to the parent company by Dun & Bradstreet. Dun & Bradstreet is a private financial tracking and accounting firm. Not all parent companies will have a Dun & Bradstreet number. 'NA' indicates that the facility or establishment's parent company does not have a Dun & Bradstreet number.

PARENT_CO_NAME text Parent Company Name

Name of the corporation or other business company that is the ultimate parent company, located in the United States, of the facility or establishment submitting the data. The parent company is the company that directly owns at least 50 percent of the voting stock of the reporting company. This does not include foreign parent companies. 'NA' indicates that the facility does not have a parent company.

STANDARDIZED_PARENT_COMPANY text Standardized Parent Company

A data field developed by EPA that is intended to best reflect the current ultimate US parent company for the facility. EPA developed this field to facilitate the aggregation of TRI facility-level information to the associated parent company by ensuring that each company is referenced consistently by the same name. Filers often submit names with small variations (e.g., Exopack vs. Exopack Holdings Corp) that make aggregation at the corporate level challenging when using parent names as reported. The standardized parent company field was developed by standardizing the self-submitted parent company names through a process described on the TRI website (e.g., eliminating periods, standardizing common acronyms such as Inc and Corp, etc.). The process also includes the replacement of subsidiary names with the name of the ultimate US parent in cases where EPA identified a subsidiary in the submitted parent company field.


Indicates the Facility Registry Service (FRS) id for a TRI Facility, POTW Facility or Off-site Transfer Location facility. The Facility Registry Service (FRS) is a centrally managed database at EPA that identifies facilities, sites or places subject to environmental regulations or of environmental interest. Using the FRS Id (EPA_REGISTRY_ID), data users can link data from different EPA programs together. See the Facility Registry Service at for more details.

TRADE_SECRET_IND text Trade Secret Indicator

Indicator that shows whether the identity of the toxic chemical has been claimed a trade secret. If the facility has indicated that the chemical name is a trade secret, the chemical name will not be released to the public. Values: 1 = 'Trade Secret' box checked, 0 = 'Trade Secret' box not checked.


The Reporting Year - Year the chemical was released or managed as waste

CAS_NUM text CAS Registry Number

The Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) registry number of the fluorinated green house gas (F-GHG) for which emissions are reported.


"Is a flag that indicates when release and management data for a metal compound (i.e., Lead compounds) have been reported in combination with the data for the corresponding elemental metal (i.e., Lead). An option was added in reporting year (RY) 2018 to the TRI Form R that allows facilities to submit a combined report for a metal compound and the corresponding elemental metal provided they are both (individually) above reporting thresholds. For example, a facility could report their releases and other waste manage for both Copper compounds and Copper on one form R given both were individually above the reporting thresholds. This data element, Elemental_Metal_Included, indicates when that has happened. A value of 'Y' indicates the Form R report contains combined data for a metal compound (i.e., Mercury Compounds) and the corresponding elemental metal (i.e., Mercury).

When the value of this data element is 'Y', the chemical name that will be displayed in all Envirofacts reports will be in format of 'Metal and Metal Compounds' (i.e., 'Copper and Copper Compounds')."


The TRI Chemical Identification Number assigned by the EPA/TRI.

CHEM_NAME text Chemical Name

The official name of the toxic chemical, toxic chemical mixture, (e.g., xylene mixed isomers), or chemical category as it appears on the EPCRA Section 313 list. This space will be empty if a trade secret was claimed for the toxic chemical and information is provided in Section 1.3 (MIXTURE_NAME) or 2.1 (GENERIC_CHEM_NAME).

METAL_IND text Metal Indicator

Indicates whether the chemical is a metal or metal compound. If the value for this data element is 1, 2, 3 or 4, the chemical is a metal or metal compound. If the value is 0, the chemical is not a metal or metal compound. See the values below that define the categories of metals and metal compounds: 0 = Chemical is not a Metal or Metal Compound 1 = Parent Metals and Metal Compound Categories 2 = Individually Listed Metal Compounds 3 = Barium and Barium Compounds 4 = Metals with Qualifiers In EZ tables - Indicates whether the chemical is a metal or metal compound. Values are: 'Y'-chemical is a metal or metal compound. 'N'-chemical is not a metal or metal compound.

PBT_IND text PBT Indicator

A value of 'Y' indicates the chemical is a PBT chemical. A value of 'N' indicates the chemical is not a PBT chemical.

LIST_3350 text Regulation 3350

Indicates whether the chemical is reportable under Regulation 3350

CARCINOGEN text Carcinogen Flag

Indicates whether the chemical is reportable as a carcinogen under the CARC.

CLEAN_AIR text Clean Air Act

A value of "Y" indicates that this chemical is monitored under the Federal Clean Air Act.

PRIMARY_SIC_CODE text Primary SIC Code

"The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code or codes which describes the primary activity conducted at a facility. SIC codes are 4 digit numbers used by the Bureau of Census as part of a system to categorize and track the types of business activities conducted in the United States. The first two digits of the code represent the major industry group (e.g., SIC code 25XX indicates Furniture and Fixtures) and the second two digits represent the specific subset of that group (e.g., 2511 indicates wood household furniture). EPA instructs facilities to enter their primary SIC code first. Many facilities do not report their primary SIC code first. A facility may be comprised of one or more establishments. An establishment is an economic unit, generally at a single physical location, where business is conducted or where services or industrial operations are performed. Generally, each establishment will have a unique SIC code."

SIC_CODES text SIC Codes

The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code or codes which best describes the activities conducted at the facility or establishment. A possibility of 6 SIC codes may be stored within this field.


The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Codes(s) that best describes the primary activity conducted ata facility. NAICS codes are 6 digit numbers used by the Bureau of Census as part of a system to categorizeand track the types of business activities conducted in the United States. The individual digits within the NAICS code indicate different levels of granularity in identifying a business. A facility may be comprised of one or more establishments. An establishment is an economic unit, generally at a single physical location, where businessis conducted or where services or industrial operations are performed. Each establishment may have a unique NAICS code.


The North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) code or codes that best describes the activities conducted at the facility or establishment. A possibility of 6 NAICS codes may be stored within this field. All NAICS codes reported on the Form R or Form A are sorted from lowest to highest, concatenated into one text string and stored in this field. The order of the NAICS codes in the text string may NOT be in the same as the order they were entered on the form. For example: On the form, the NAICS codes may appear in this order 1) 325193 2) 325998 3) 325199 4) 325113. However, the value of this data element would be 3251133251932325199325998.If you are searching for a form with a specific PRIMARY NAICS code, do not use this data element in your search criteria. It will not indicate the Primary NAICS code. Instead use the PRIMARY_NAICS_CODE data element.If your are searching for a form that had a NAICS reported as either the primary OR a secondary NAICS code, then use this data element in your search. If other words, if it doesn't matter whether the NAICS code you are searching for is a primary or secondary NAICS code, use this data element in your search.

INDUSTRY_CODE int4 Industry Code

The Industry code identifies what industry or sector (Coal Mining, Metal Mining, Electrical Utilities, etc.) a TRI submission (form R or form A) belongs to. Industry sector codes are used to categorize and analyze TRI data. One of their primary uses of the INDUSTRY_CODE is to facilitate the display of industrial trends. Here is the complete list of TRI Industry Codes and their corresponding names. Note that this list of values appears in the TRI_CODE_DESC table where TABLE_ID = '26'.


This is the unique identifier assigned to a substance for internal tracking within EPA systems.

PFAS_IND text PFAS Indicator

A value of 'Y' indicates the chemical is a PFAS chemical. A value of 'N' indicates the chemical is not a PFAS chemical.

ENVIRONMENTAL_MEDIUM text Environmental Medium Code

Code indicating the environmental medium to which the toxic chemical is released from the facility.

RELEASE_RANGE_CODE text Release Range Code

The code that corresponds to the amount of toxic chemical released annually by the reporting facility, reported as a range for releases less than 1,000 pounds. When a facility uses a range code, the amount reported to TRI is the midpoint of the range. On Form R, letter codes are used to represent ranges: A = 1-10 pounds, B = 11-499 pounds, and C = 500-999 pounds. The letters are converted to numbers for storage in the TRIS database where '1' represents range 'A', '3' represents range 'B',and '4' represents range 'C'. The historical value '2' = 1-499 pounds.

REL_EST_AMT float8 Release Estimated Amount

The release estimate (in pounds) reported by the facility. If a release estimate range was reported, then the mid-point of the range was used to populate the release estimate amount.

RELEASE_NA text Release Not Applicable

Indicates whether 'NA' (Not Applicable) was entered on Form R for the release estimate. Values: 1 = 'Yes', 0 = 'No'.

RELEASE_BASIS_EST_CODE text Release Basis Estimate Code

The code representing the technique used to develop the estimate of releases reported in the "Total Release" box (TOTAL_RELEASE).

TOTAL_RELEASE float8 Total Release

The total amount (in pounds) of the toxic chemical released to air, water, land, and underground injection wells during the calendar year (January 1 - December 31). Release amounts may be reported as specific numbers or as ranges (RELEASE_RANGE_CODE).

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Data last updated 9 stycznia 2025
Metadata last updated 9 stycznia 2025
Created 16 września 2020
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