Diabetes & Hypertension & Hyperlipidemia comorbidity

This data set provides de-identified population data for diabetes & hypertension & hyperlipidemia comorbidity prevelance. The data is provided by three managed care organizations in Allegheny County (Gateway Health Plan, Highmark Health, and UPMC) and represents their insured population for the 2015 and 2016 calendar years.

Disclaimer: Users should be cautious of using administrative claims data as a measure of disease prevalence and interpreting trends over time, as data provided were collected for purposes other than surveillance. Limitations of these data include but are not limited to: misclassification, duplicate individuals, exclusion of individuals who did not seek care in past two years and those who are: uninsured, enrolled in plans not represented in the dataset, or were not enrolled in one of the represented plans for at least 90 days.

Support for Health Equity datasets and tools provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) through their Health Equity Initiative.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Pole Wartość
Public Access Level Comment
Temporal Coverage 2015 - 2016
Geographic Unit Census Tract
Data Notes
Related Document(s) Data Dictionary, Data Dictionary "cheat sheet"
Frequency - Data Change Not Updated (Historical Only)
Frequency - Publishing Not Updated (Historical Only)
Data Steward Josh Feldmiller
Data Steward Email Josh Feldmiller