4 datasets found

Groups: Health

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  • GEOS-CF Atmospheric Composition Forecast

    Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center

    This data is harvested daily from the Goddard Earth Observing System composition forecast (GEOS-CF). We are obtaining NASA's predictions for the next five days (at hourly intervals) for three air quality parameters: carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and fine particulate matter (PM2.5). This dataset is...
  • Allegheny County Assets

    Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center

    This dataset contains lists of various kinds of assets (open prior to or as of March 1, 2020), derived from a variety of local, state, and federal data sources. Some of this data still needs to be verified, as this is a work in progress. Some geocoding is either missing or incorrect. Improvements are pending. This...
  • Weekly Pennsylvania COVID-19 Vaccinations Stats Archive

    Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center

    Weekly archive of some State of Pennsylvania datasets found in this list: https://data.pa.gov/browse?q=vaccinations For most of these datasets, the "date_saved" field is the date that the WPRDC pulled the data from the state data portal and the archive combines all the saved records into one table. The exception to...
  • COVID-19 Resources

    Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center

    As the situation is changing quickly, we're just listing here some links to local and statewide information pertaining to the COVID-19 epidemic. Support for Health Equity datasets and tools provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) through their Health Equity Initiative.