6 datasets found

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  • Allegheny County Air Quality

    Allegheny County

    Air quality data is collected from the Allegheny County Health Department monitors throughout the county. This data must be verified by qualified individuals before it can be considered official. The following data is unverified. This means that any electrical disruption or equipment malfunction can report erroneous...
  • Fatal accidental overdose incidents in Allegheny County, denoting age, gender, race, drugs present, zip code of incident and zip code of residence. Zip code of incident is where the Office of the Medical Examiner received the body, not necessarily where the overdose occurred. Data includes closed cases only and the...
  • Total number of residents in each Kane Regional Center facility by race and gender. The Kane Regional Centers are skilled nursing and rehabilitation centers run by Allegheny County. A census of residents recorded once a week.
  • Residential Complaint Housing and Community Environment Inspection Reports posted to this web site include owner and tenant occupied dwellings with or without health code violations. The reports are based on visual inspection by Allegheny County Health Department (ACHD) inspectors. The primary basis for the...
  • For more than three decades UCSUR has documented the status of older adults in the County along multiple life domains. Every decade we issue a comprehensive report on aging in Allegheny County and this report represents our most recent effort. It documents important shifts in the demographic profile of the...
  • Lead is a neurotoxin commonly found in our daily lives. While lead has been eliminated from gasoline, household paint, and solder, you can still be exposed to lead from many different sources including dust containing lead from pre-1978 lead paint, paint chips, contaminated soils, water, ceramic plates, bowls, and...