16 datasets found

Groups: Public Safety & Justice Organizations: City of Pittsburgh

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  • Non-Traffic Citations

    City of Pittsburgh

    This data ceased updating with the transition to a new records management system on 11/14/2023. Access to the updated data source will be provided in the future. Non-traffic citations (NTCs, also known as "summary offenses") document low-level criminal offenses where a law enforcement officer or other authorized...
  • Pittsburgh Police Arrest Data

    City of Pittsburgh

    This data ceased updating with the transition to a new records management system on 11/14/2023. Access to the updated data source will be provided in the future. Arrest data contains information on people taken into custody by City of Pittsburgh police officers. More serious crimes such as felony offenses are more...
  • Incidents of fire responded to by the Pittsburgh Bureau of Fire.
  • City of Pittsburgh Emergency Medical Services Districts
  • Police Sectors

    City of Pittsburgh

    Pittsburgh Police Sectors
  • Police Zones

    City of Pittsburgh

    Pittsburgh Police Zones
  • Fire Zones

    City of Pittsburgh

    Pittsburgh Fire Zones
  • This data ceased updating with the transition to a new records management system on 11/14/2023. Access to the updated data source will be provided in the future. The 30-Day Police Blotter contains the most recent initial crime incident data, updated on a nightly basis. All data is reported at the block/intersection...
  • This data ceased updating with the transition to a new records management system on 11/14/2023. Access to the updated data source will be provided in the future. The Police Blotter Archive contains crime incident data after it has been validated and processed to meet Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) standards,...
  • City of Pittsburgh Facilities

    City of Pittsburgh

    City Facility data pulled from the Operations Management System for the Department of Public Works
  • Neighborhoods with SNAP Data

    City of Pittsburgh

    Pittsburgh Neighborhoods
  • Fire Districts

    City of Pittsburgh

    Pittsburgh Fire Districts
  • This data includes counts of firearms by type seized by the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police. Each row describes a seizure incident involving one or more firearms. Firearm seizures can occur for several reasons. One of the Bureau of Police justifications for seizing a firearm involves a suspicion that a firearm was used...
  • Police Officer Training

    City of Pittsburgh

    This dataset shows the time spent by currently active Pittsburgh Police Officers in professional development training. Officers who are no longer employed in the Police Bureau are not included in this data. The data is presented in two ways: total, cumulative hours spent in training, per year, by category and total...
  • Police Civil Actions

    City of Pittsburgh

    Documentation of open police bureau litigation that took place between Jan 1 and Dec 31, 2015.
  • Police Community Outreach

    City of Pittsburgh

    Community outreach activities attended by Pittsburgh Police Officers, starting from January 1 2016. Includes Zone, Event Name, Location, Date and Time.