Pittsburgh Regional Transit Bus Stop Usage

This dataset shows stop-level boardings and alightings for selected months from 2019 onwards. Typically ridership is highest in September. This dataset will update each month with the latest data.

There is also a deprecated dataset showing all bus stops active in Pittsburgh Regional Transit's fiscal year 2019 (7/1/2018 to 6/30/2019) along with latitude/longitude, stop type and amenities, and average boardings and alightings.

The boardings and alightings are available as an average for the schedule pick and the fiscal year average. A schedule "pick" is a four digit year-month ID for the quarterly schedule period, e.g. 1809 is the schedule period starting September 2018.

Rail stops/stations are not included as riders either pay at the platform (unable to join to specific route) or on the railcar (unable to join to specific platform).

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Kenttä Arvo
Public Access Level Comment
Temporal Coverage 2018-07-01/present
Geographic Unit Latitude/Longitude
Data Notes
Related Document(s)
Frequency - Data Change Monthly
Frequency - Publishing Monthly
Data Steward Ellie Newman
Data Steward Email Ellie Newman