Pittsburgh Public Schools Enrollment by Individualized Education Plan (IEP)

This dataset captures students attending a Pittsburgh Public School that are classified as either gifted or having some other type of Individualized Education Plan (IEP).

According to the Pennsylvania Department of Education, an IEP is ​"the written plan for the education of a student who has a disability or is gifted. The IEP is based on the individual student's needs and describes the special help the student will receive in school. "

The data categories students as having either a gifted IEP, a non-gifted IEP, or no IEP. This data includes only students enrolled in a Pittsburgh Public School. Students enrolled in a charter, private, or parochial school are excluded from this dataset.

When analyzing this data, it's important to note that IEP evaluations may not be conducted until students reach the second or third grades. Please refer to the table showing IEP's by grade to see how data varies by grade level of the student.

Neighborhoods were sometimes combined with other adjacent neighborhoods to enable reporting and overcome the District's restriction on reporting totals for any group with fewer than 11 cases. Neighborhood data is reported for K-12 students.

Data was extracted from the Pittsburgh Public Schools data system in January, 2021. It captures the school where the student was enrolled on October 1st. The neighborhood school the student feeds into based on their address as of the beginning of the 2020-21 school year.

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Kenttä Arvo
Public Access Level Comment
Temporal Coverage 2020-2021
Geographic Unit Neighborhood
Data Notes

Reported by City of Pittsburgh neighborhood Boundaries.

Related Document(s)
Frequency - Data Change Weekly
Frequency - Publishing Annually
Data Steward Steven Greene
Data Steward Email Steven Greene