Parcel Centroids in Allegheny County with Geographic Identifiers

Parcel centroids in Allegheny County. Centroids created by the Western PA Regional Data Center using County parcel shapes found on PASDA or WPRDC. Centroids have been drawn within the parcel boundary in most cases. The Data Center also appended a number of geographic codes to the data, including 2010 Census Blocks, Blockgroups, and Census Tracts, County Subdivisions (Municipalities), School Districts, State House and Senate Districts, and Allegheny County Council Districts.

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Kenttä Arvo
Public Access Level Comment
Temporal Coverage 2015/09
Geographic Unit Parcel (Block/Lot)
Data Notes

Data was originally copied from PASDA or the County GIS Portal from data provided by Allegheny County GIS. ArcGIS was used to create the centroid from each polygon, and the polygons were "label" polygons, meaning they were forced to appear within the parcel boundary, with the possible exception of the Feb. 2018 data. Coordinate System: GCS_North_American_1983 - Plan is to update once or twice per year.

Parcels that are split by a municipal boundary may have municipal codes in this file that are inconsistent with those provided in assessment data. These assessment records should be treated as the authoritative source of municipal parcel location, not this file. We will work to correct this in future iterations of this data.

Related Document(s)
Frequency - Data Change Bi-Annually
Frequency - Publishing Bi-Annually
Data Steward Bob Gradeck
Data Steward Email Bob Gradeck