Non-Traffic Citations

This data ceased updating with the transition to a new records management system on 11/14/2023. Access to the updated data source will be provided in the future.

Non-traffic citations (NTCs, also known as "summary offenses") document low-level criminal offenses where a law enforcement officer or other authorized official issued a citation in lieu of arrest. These citations normally include a fine. In Pennsylvania, NTCs often include a notice to appear before a magistrate if the person does not provide a guilty plea. Offenses that normally result in a citation include disorderly conduct, loitering, harassment and retail theft.

This dataset only contains information reported by City of Pittsburgh Police. It does not contain incidents that solely involve other police departments operating within the city (for example, campus police or Port Authority police).

Latinos are not included in this data as a race and they will not be reflected in this data.

More documentation is available in our Crime Data Guide.

Data ja resurssit


Kenttä Arvo
Public Access Level Comment

Data has been generalized to the block level.

Temporal Coverage 1992-12-10/2023-10-12
Geographic Unit Intersection/Street Segment
Data Notes
Related Document(s)
Frequency - Data Change Daily
Frequency - Publishing Weekly
Data Steward Chris Belasco
Data Steward Email Chris Belasco