Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
pin text Parcel ID

16-character property ID calculated from the block-lot property identifier (block_lot) by the Regional Data Center. For records where it is not possible to determine the property ID from the block-lot identifier, the property ID field is empty.

block_lot text Block-lot ID

The block-lot property identifier for the property being foreclosed on. This is the original format, as recorded by Allegheny County's Department of Court Records. There can be multiple block-lot identifiers associated with a conservatorship filing, and each will result in a separate record.

filing_date date Filing date

The date when the original petition for conservatorship was filed.

case_id text Case ID

The Department of Court Records' identifier for the conservatorship case. This can be used to look up all of a given foreclosure's filings in the Department of Court Records system (see

municipality text Municipality

The name of the city, township, or borough where the property is located.

ward text Ward

If the property is in the City of Pittsburgh, the City of Clariton, the City of Duquesne, or the City of McKeesport, this field gives the ward that the property is in.

party_type text Party type

The type of the party associated with the initial filing for conservatorship. This should always be "Petitioner". There are cases where multiple petitioners are associated with a given filing; in these cases, each petitioner is listed in a separate row in the data table, with all other information about the conservatorship being the same between the rows.

party_name text Party name

Name of the petitioner.

last_activity date Date of last activity

The date of the most recent activity on the case. Once a filing happens, the rest of the record is expected to stay static, but as we receive monthly updates (with records of all conservatorship cases that have had activity in the last month), we will update this date field, to give a sense of which cases are still active.

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated March 8, 2025
Metadata last updated March 8, 2025
Created September 5, 2022
Format CSV
License Creative Commons Attribution
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Package id87a9fb10-71f9-4d99-9a51-cd5ca2c5d3d5
Revision idea1a3623-a21a-48c6-9621-32592c04c5d7
Url typedatapusher