347 datasets found

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  • COVID-19 Cases information is reported through the Pennsylvania State Department’s National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (PA-NEDSS). As new cases are passed to the Allegheny County Health Department they are investigated by case investigators. During investigation some cases which are initially determined...
  • An inventory of emissions including greenhouse gases, criteria pollutants, hazardous air pollutants and sulfur compounds emitted by facilities monitored by the Allegheny County Health Department. Support for Health Equity datasets and tools provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) through their Health Equity Initiative.
  • Snow Plow Activity (2018-2020)

    City of Pittsburgh

    Snow Plow GPS readings during declared City of Pittsburgh Snow Events. Includes readings on plow (up or down) and salt spreader speed. Please note: The system tracking snow plows was not fully deployed for the 2018-2019 or 2019-2020 seasons. Therefore readings from these events may not include all the vehicles or...
  • Snow Plow Activity (2015-2016)

    City of Pittsburgh

    Snow Plow data from the the City of Pittsburgh's Snow Plow Tracker. These data are collected from the Snow Plow Tracker's Fusion Table and converted to geoJSON. Each file is named using the timestamp representation of the date and time the corresponding 'Snow Event' started.
  • Mail carriers routinely collect data on address no longer receiving mail due to vacancy. This vacancy data is reported quarterly at census tract geographies in the United States for residential, commercial, and industrial properties along with counts of total mailing addresses. Preprocessing/Formatting The data is...
  • This document is the data model/metadata for all Allegheny County Addressing datasets and tables. It was obtained from the Allegheny County GIS Portal: https://openac-alcogis.opendata.arcgis.com/documents/AlCoGIS::allegheny-county-addressing-data-model/explore
  • Operation Green Spaces

    City of Pittsburgh

    Inventory of City of Pittsburgh green spaces, maintained by the Operations Division in the Department of Public Works.
  • City of Pittsburgh Trees

    City of Pittsburgh

    Trees cared for and managed by the City of Pittsburgh Department of Public Works Forestry Division. Tree Benefits are calculated using the National Tree Benefit Calculator Web Service. NOTE: The data in this dataset has not updated since 2020 because of a broken data feed. We're working to fix it.
  • Webmap of Allegheny municipalities and parcel data. Zoom for a clickable parcel map with owner name, property photograph, and link to the County Real Estate website for property sales information.
  • WPRDC Statistics

    Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center

    Data about the usage of the WPRDC site and its various datasets, obtained by combining Google Analytics statistics with information from the WPRDC's data portal. This data is no longer updating, as we've stopped using Google Analytics, but we plan to add a table here with statistics from our new solution for...
  • Here you can find Pittsburgh International Airport’s Monthly Scheduled Traffic Reports. Each of these reports contain a year-over-year (YOY) analysis of scheduled flights and available seats. Flights and seats are for the entire month listed and are based solely on departures.
  • Lobbyist Activity

    City of Pittsburgh

    Actions of named registered lobbyists.
  • Campaign Finance Contributions

    City of Pittsburgh

    Amount contributed to each candidate and by whom.
  • Signalized intersections operated and maintained by the City of Pittsburgh's Department of Public Works
  • NOTE: This dataset is no longer being updated. For current right-of-way data, see https://data.wprdc.org/dataset/street-closures. Submitted permits which affect the public right of way, including; road openings, machinery, valet parking, traffic obstructions, and more.
  • This webmap demarcates municipal voting districts in Allegheny County. If viewing this description on the Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center’s open data portal (http://www.wprdc.org), this dataset is harvested on a weekly basis from Allegheny County’s GIS data portal...
  • This webmap demarcates municipal voting districts in Allegheny County. If viewing this description on the Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center’s open data portal (http://www.wprdc.org), this dataset is harvested on a weekly basis from Allegheny County’s GIS data portal...
  • This dataset demarcates municipal voting districts in Allegheny County. Allegheny County Elections Districts were updated in 2019 to match municipal boundaries. Coordinate System: Pennsylvania State Plane South Zone 3702; U.S. Survey Foot Data Dictionary: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HR24LyBNpLwvJZoaGp-...
  • Outlines of state House of Representatives districts. Includes district numbers and current representative information.
  • Outlines of state Senate districts. Includes district number and current district representative.
You can also access this registry using the API (see API Docs).