Capital Budget Deliberation Survey Responses 2019-2020 (Archived data)

Note: Updated data from capital budget deliberative forums occurring after 2019 will be posted at a new location on the WPRDC open data portal.

Collected responses from surveys distributed at the City of Pittsburgh's Capital Budget Deliberative Forum Meetings. These surveys collected resident sentiment on what capital projects the City should prioritize in the upcoming year.

The collected responses of residents who attended the deliberative meetings concerning the City's 2019 & 2020 Capital Budgets. Residents were asked to identify a specific capital project (or projects) that they felt needed to be completed in their neighborhood. They were asked to be specific as to work needed and the location. They were then asked to use a series of options to note how important they found a list of capital project priorities. Finally, they were asked to share their opinion of the Deliberative Budget Forum by choosing from a series of options.

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Field Value
Public Access Level Comment
Temporal Coverage 2019-2020
Geographic Unit Latitude/Longitude
Data Notes
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Frequency - Data Change Not Updated (Historical Only)
Frequency - Publishing Not Updated (Historical Only)
Data Steward David Hutchinson
Data Steward Email David Hutchinson