WPRDC Statistics

Data about the usage of the WPRDC site and its various datasets, obtained by combining Google Analytics statistics with information from the WPRDC's data portal. This data is no longer updating, as we've stopped using Google Analytics, but we plan to add a table here with statistics from our new solution for monitoring site usage.

Daten und Ressourcen

Zusätzliche Informationen

Feld Wert
Public Access Level Comment
Temporal Coverage 2015-10-15/
Geographic Unit Not Applicable
Data Notes

The statistics are obtained from Google Analytics, which provides definitions for the metrics (such as "users", "sessions", "pageviews", "downloads", and "unique downloads"). Site activity tracking goes back to the launch of the Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center (October 15, 2015), while tracking of downloads dates from March of 2016. [Dataset published 2017-09-11.]

Related Document(s)
Frequency - Data Change Daily
Frequency - Publishing Daily
Data Steward D. Walker
Data Steward Email D. Walker