
Spalte Typ Bezeichnung Beschreibung
id text
device_id text Device ID

Device ID of the traffic counter.

record_oid text

Unique ID of this traffic-count record.

count_start_date date Record start date

First day of the date range for which traffic was counted for this record.

count_end_date date Record end date

Last day of the date range for which traffic was counted for this record.

average_daily_car_traffic text Average daily car count

Average daily traffic (count of cars).

average_daily_bike_traffic text Average daily bike count

Average daily traffic (count of bikes).

counter_number text Counter number
counter_type text Counter type
speed_limit int4 Speed limit

Speed limit at the location of the traffic counter (mph).

max_speed int4 Maximum speed observed

Maximum speed recorded (mph).

median_speed float8 Median speed

Median of speeds recorded (mph).

percent_over_limit float8 Percentage over limit

Percentage of vehicles that were speeding

speed85_percent float8 85th percentile of speed

The 85th percentile of the speed distribution (mph).

speed95_percent float8 95th percentile of speed

The 95th percentile of the speed distribution (mph).

longitude float8 Longitude

Longitude of the position where the traffic counts were taken.

latitude float8 Latitude

Latitude of the position where the traffic counts were taken.

neighborhood text Neighborhood

Reverse geocoded based on the latitude and longitude fields.

council_district text Council district

Reverse geocoded based on the latitude and longitude fields.

ward text Ward

Reverse geocoded based on the latitude and longitude fields.

tract text Census tract

Reverse geocoded based on the latitude and longitude fields.

public_works_division text Department of Public Works division

Reverse geocoded based on the latitude and longitude fields.

pli_division text PLI division

Reverse geocoded based on the latitude and longitude fields.

police_zone text City police zone

Reverse geocoded based on the latitude and longitude fields.

fire_zone text City fire zone

Reverse geocoded based on the latitude and longitude fields.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Feld Wert
Daten wurden zuletzt aktualisiert 19. Dezember 2022
Metadaten zuletzt aktualisiert 21. Mai 2023
Erstellt 6. Januar 2020
Format CSV
Lizenz Creative Commons CCZero
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Package ida45d5ee0-c7d2-4663-a153-8434e1a26779
Revision ideb6cee68-3832-4ad0-b724-0dcb8a465265
Url typedatapusher