Port Authority Monthly On Time Performance by Route

This dataset contains the monthly average on time performance (OTP) percentage by route and service day type (weekday, Saturday, and Sunday/Holiday service). A bus is considered on time if it is no more than one minute early or five minutes late to a timepoint.

Port Authority has an OTP goal of 73% for bus and 80% for rail service.

Starting in October 2018, Port Authority moved to a different OTP recording system called Clever. OTP data from the Clever system is more accurate because it uses more timepoints; the previous system excluded a large portion of data from OTP processing due to minor technical issues with rider counts on certain trips.

The Mon Incline is not included in this dataset because it does not have a schedule. Service runs every 15 minutes.

OTP only goes back as far as November 2018 for the "T" light rail line because the railcars did not have Automated Vehicle Locators installed until then.

Daten und Ressourcen

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Feld Wert
Public Access Level Comment
Temporal Coverage 2017-01-01/2024-07-01
Geographic Unit Not Applicable
Data Notes

This data will be updated on a one-month delay.

Related Document(s)
Frequency - Data Change Multiple Times per Hour
Frequency - Publishing Monthly
Data Steward Ellie Newman
Data Steward Email Ellie Newman