POGOH Trip Data

Dataset includes closed status, trip duration, Start Station Id, Start Date, Start Station Name, End Date, End Station Id, End Station Name, and Rider Type.

In the closed status colum, normal correlates to a standard rider return. Grace period indicates the bike was not removed within 60 seconds, and was relocked and returned without being removed from the dock. Terminated or forced close trips are ended by staff, and typically have incorrect durations or return locations.

In the rider type column, casual type correlates to our "Pay-as-you-Go" product. All annual, prepaid, or corporate passes types are member types.

Daten und Ressourcen

Zusätzliche Informationen

Feld Wert
Public Access Level Comment
Temporal Coverage
Geographic Unit Not Applicable
Data Notes
Related Document(s)
Frequency - Data Change Monthly
Frequency - Publishing Monthly
Data Steward Sara Khalil
Data Steward Email Sara Khalil