
Spalte Typ Bezeichnung Beschreibung
Neighborhood text Neighborhood
Id numeric Id
estimate__total_ numeric Estimate; Total:
margin_of_error__total_ numeric Margin of Error; Total:
estimate__housing_units_with_a_mortgage__contract_to_purchas numeric Estimate; Housing units with a mortgage, contract to purchase, or similar debt:
margin_of_error__housing_units_with_a_mortgage__contract_to_ numeric Margin of Error; Housing units with a mortgage, contract to purchase, or similar debt:
estimate__housing_units_with_a_mortgage__contract_to_purchas_2 numeric Estimate; Housing units with a mortgage, contract to purchase, or similar debt: - With either a second mortgage or home equity loan, but not both:
margin_of_error__housing_units_with_a_mortgage__contract_to__2 numeric Margin of Error; Housing units with a mortgage, contract to purchase, or similar debt: - With either a second mortgage or home equity loan, but not both:
estimate__housing_units_with_a_mortgage__contract_to_purchas_3 numeric Estimate; Housing units with a mortgage, contract to purchase, or similar debt: - With either a second mortgage or home equity loan, but not both: - Second mortgage only
margin_of_error__housing_units_with_a_mortgage__contract_to__3 numeric Margin of Error; Housing units with a mortgage, contract to purchase, or similar debt: - With either a second mortgage or home equity loan, but not both: - Second mortgage only
estimate__housing_units_with_a_mortgage__contract_to_purchas_4 numeric Estimate; Housing units with a mortgage, contract to purchase, or similar debt: - With either a second mortgage or home equity loan, but not both: - Home equity loan only
margin_of_error__housing_units_with_a_mortgage__contract_to__4 numeric Margin of Error; Housing units with a mortgage, contract to purchase, or similar debt: - With either a second mortgage or home equity loan, but not both: - Home equity loan only
estimate__housing_units_with_a_mortgage__contract_to_purchas_5 numeric Estimate; Housing units with a mortgage, contract to purchase, or similar debt: - Both second mortgage and home equity loan
margin_of_error__housing_units_with_a_mortgage__contract_to__5 numeric Margin of Error; Housing units with a mortgage, contract to purchase, or similar debt: - Both second mortgage and home equity loan
estimate__housing_units_with_a_mortgage__contract_to_purchas_6 numeric Estimate; Housing units with a mortgage, contract to purchase, or similar debt: - No second mortgage and no home equity loan
margin_of_error__housing_units_with_a_mortgage__contract_to__6 numeric Margin of Error; Housing units with a mortgage, contract to purchase, or similar debt: - No second mortgage and no home equity loan
estimate__housing_units_without_a_mortgage numeric Estimate; Housing units without a mortgage
margin_of_error__housing_units_without_a_mortgage numeric Margin of Error; Housing units without a mortgage

Zusätzliche Informationen

Feld Wert
Daten wurden zuletzt aktualisiert 7. August 2017
Metadaten zuletzt aktualisiert 9. Juli 2024
Erstellt 7. August 2017
Format CSV
Lizenz Creative Commons Attribution
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Package id5b18c198-474c-4723-b735-cc5220ad43cc
Preview rows91
Revision id152d028d-4c30-4210-a289-ecb3d4da3a1a
Total record count91
Url typeupload