
Spalte Typ Bezeichnung Beschreibung
Neighborhood text
Id text
Estimate; Total: text
Margin of Error; Total: text
Estimate; With cash rent: text
Margin of Error; With cash rent: text
Estimate; With cash rent: - Less than $100 text
Margin of Error; With cash rent: - Less than $100 text
Estimate; With cash rent: - $100 to $149 text
Margin of Error; With cash rent: - $100 to $149 text
Estimate; With cash rent: - $150 to $199 text
Margin of Error; With cash rent: - $150 to $199 text
Estimate; With cash rent: - $200 to $249 text
Margin of Error; With cash rent: - $200 to $249 text
Estimate; With cash rent: - $250 to $299 text
Margin of Error; With cash rent: - $250 to $299 text
Estimate; With cash rent: - $300 to $349 text
Margin of Error; With cash rent: - $300 to $349 text
Estimate; With cash rent: - $350 to $399 text
Margin of Error; With cash rent: - $350 to $399 text
Estimate; With cash rent: - $400 to $449 text
Margin of Error; With cash rent: - $400 to $449 text
Estimate; With cash rent: - $450 to $499 text
Margin of Error; With cash rent: - $450 to $499 text
Estimate; With cash rent: - $500 to $549 text
Margin of Error; With cash rent: - $500 to $549 text
Estimate; With cash rent: - $550 to $599 text
Margin of Error; With cash rent: - $550 to $599 text
Estimate; With cash rent: - $600 to $649 text
Margin of Error; With cash rent: - $600 to $649 text
Estimate; With cash rent: - $650 to $699 text
Margin of Error; With cash rent: - $650 to $699 text
Estimate; With cash rent: - $700 to $749 text
Margin of Error; With cash rent: - $700 to $749 text
Estimate; With cash rent: - $750 to $799 text
Margin of Error; With cash rent: - $750 to $799 text
Estimate; With cash rent: - $800 to $899 text
Margin of Error; With cash rent: - $800 to $899 text
Estimate; With cash rent: - $900 to $999 text
Margin of Error; With cash rent: - $900 to $999 text
Estimate; With cash rent: - $1,000 to $1,249 text
Margin of Error; With cash rent: - $1,000 to $1,249 text
Estimate; With cash rent: - $1,250 to $1,499 text
Margin of Error; With cash rent: - $1,250 to $1,499 text
Estimate; With cash rent: - $1,500 to $1,999 text
Margin of Error; With cash rent: - $1,500 to $1,999 text
Estimate; With cash rent: - $2,000 or more text
Margin of Error; With cash rent: - $2,000 or more text
Estimate; No cash rent text
Margin of Error; No cash rent text

Zusätzliche Informationen

Feld Wert
Daten wurden zuletzt aktualisiert 29. August 2017
Metadaten zuletzt aktualisiert 21. Mai 2023
Erstellt 29. August 2017
Format CSV
Lizenz Creative Commons Attribution
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Package idc6265ffb-c86e-4a2c-870b-1aaa0772c449
Revision iddd35b21a-9612-4293-b6c2-0d0244e0d6f0
Url typeupload