
Spalte Typ Bezeichnung Beschreibung
Neighborhood text Neighborhood
Id numeric Id
estimate__total_ numeric Estimate; Total:
margin_of_error__total_ numeric Margin of Error; Total:
estimate__16_to_19_years_ numeric Estimate; 16 to 19 years:
margin_of_error__16_to_19_years_ numeric Margin of Error; 16 to 19 years:
estimate__16_to_19_years____worked_in_the_past_12_months_ numeric Estimate; 16 to 19 years: - Worked in the past 12 months:
margin_of_error__16_to_19_years____worked_in_the_past_12_mon numeric Margin of Error; 16 to 19 years: - Worked in the past 12 months:
estimate__16_to_19_years____worked_in_the_past_12_months____ numeric Estimate; 16 to 19 years: - Worked in the past 12 months: - Worked full-time, year-round
margin_of_error__16_to_19_years____worked_in_the_past_12_mon_2 numeric Margin of Error; 16 to 19 years: - Worked in the past 12 months: - Worked full-time, year-round
estimate__16_to_19_years____worked_in_the_past_12_months_____2 numeric Estimate; 16 to 19 years: - Worked in the past 12 months: - Worked less than full-time, year-round
margin_of_error__16_to_19_years____worked_in_the_past_12_mon_3 numeric Margin of Error; 16 to 19 years: - Worked in the past 12 months: - Worked less than full-time, year-round
estimate__16_to_19_years____did_not_work_in_the_past_12_mont numeric Estimate; 16 to 19 years: - Did not work in the past 12 months
margin_of_error__16_to_19_years____did_not_work_in_the_past_ numeric Margin of Error; 16 to 19 years: - Did not work in the past 12 months
estimate__20_to_24_years_ numeric Estimate; 20 to 24 years:
margin_of_error__20_to_24_years_ numeric Margin of Error; 20 to 24 years:
estimate__20_to_24_years____worked_in_the_past_12_months_ numeric Estimate; 20 to 24 years: - Worked in the past 12 months:
margin_of_error__20_to_24_years____worked_in_the_past_12_mon numeric Margin of Error; 20 to 24 years: - Worked in the past 12 months:
estimate__20_to_24_years____worked_in_the_past_12_months____ numeric Estimate; 20 to 24 years: - Worked in the past 12 months: - Worked full-time, year-round
margin_of_error__20_to_24_years____worked_in_the_past_12_mon_2 numeric Margin of Error; 20 to 24 years: - Worked in the past 12 months: - Worked full-time, year-round
estimate__20_to_24_years____worked_in_the_past_12_months_____2 numeric Estimate; 20 to 24 years: - Worked in the past 12 months: - Worked less than full-time, year-round
margin_of_error__20_to_24_years____worked_in_the_past_12_mon_3 numeric Margin of Error; 20 to 24 years: - Worked in the past 12 months: - Worked less than full-time, year-round
estimate__20_to_24_years____did_not_work_in_the_past_12_mont numeric Estimate; 20 to 24 years: - Did not work in the past 12 months
margin_of_error__20_to_24_years____did_not_work_in_the_past_ numeric Margin of Error; 20 to 24 years: - Did not work in the past 12 months
estimate__25_to_44_years_ numeric Estimate; 25 to 44 years:
margin_of_error__25_to_44_years_ numeric Margin of Error; 25 to 44 years:
estimate__25_to_44_years____worked_in_the_past_12_months_ numeric Estimate; 25 to 44 years: - Worked in the past 12 months:
margin_of_error__25_to_44_years____worked_in_the_past_12_mon numeric Margin of Error; 25 to 44 years: - Worked in the past 12 months:
estimate__25_to_44_years____worked_in_the_past_12_months____ numeric Estimate; 25 to 44 years: - Worked in the past 12 months: - Worked full-time, year-round
margin_of_error__25_to_44_years____worked_in_the_past_12_mon_2 numeric Margin of Error; 25 to 44 years: - Worked in the past 12 months: - Worked full-time, year-round
estimate__25_to_44_years____worked_in_the_past_12_months_____2 numeric Estimate; 25 to 44 years: - Worked in the past 12 months: - Worked less than full-time, year-round
margin_of_error__25_to_44_years____worked_in_the_past_12_mon_3 numeric Margin of Error; 25 to 44 years: - Worked in the past 12 months: - Worked less than full-time, year-round
estimate__25_to_44_years____did_not_work_in_the_past_12_mont numeric Estimate; 25 to 44 years: - Did not work in the past 12 months
margin_of_error__25_to_44_years____did_not_work_in_the_past_ numeric Margin of Error; 25 to 44 years: - Did not work in the past 12 months
estimate__45_to_54_years_ numeric Estimate; 45 to 54 years:
margin_of_error__45_to_54_years_ numeric Margin of Error; 45 to 54 years:
estimate__45_to_54_years____worked_in_the_past_12_months_ numeric Estimate; 45 to 54 years: - Worked in the past 12 months:
margin_of_error__45_to_54_years____worked_in_the_past_12_mon numeric Margin of Error; 45 to 54 years: - Worked in the past 12 months:
estimate__45_to_54_years____worked_in_the_past_12_months____ numeric Estimate; 45 to 54 years: - Worked in the past 12 months: - Worked full-time, year-round
margin_of_error__45_to_54_years____worked_in_the_past_12_mon_2 numeric Margin of Error; 45 to 54 years: - Worked in the past 12 months: - Worked full-time, year-round
estimate__45_to_54_years____worked_in_the_past_12_months_____2 numeric Estimate; 45 to 54 years: - Worked in the past 12 months: - Worked less than full-time, year-round
margin_of_error__45_to_54_years____worked_in_the_past_12_mon_3 numeric Margin of Error; 45 to 54 years: - Worked in the past 12 months: - Worked less than full-time, year-round
estimate__45_to_54_years____did_not_work_in_the_past_12_mont numeric Estimate; 45 to 54 years: - Did not work in the past 12 months
margin_of_error__45_to_54_years____did_not_work_in_the_past_ numeric Margin of Error; 45 to 54 years: - Did not work in the past 12 months
estimate__55_to_64_years_ numeric Estimate; 55 to 64 years:
margin_of_error__55_to_64_years_ numeric Margin of Error; 55 to 64 years:
estimate__55_to_64_years____worked_in_the_past_12_months_ numeric Estimate; 55 to 64 years: - Worked in the past 12 months:
margin_of_error__55_to_64_years____worked_in_the_past_12_mon numeric Margin of Error; 55 to 64 years: - Worked in the past 12 months:
estimate__55_to_64_years____worked_in_the_past_12_months____ numeric Estimate; 55 to 64 years: - Worked in the past 12 months: - Worked full-time, year-round
margin_of_error__55_to_64_years____worked_in_the_past_12_mon_2 numeric Margin of Error; 55 to 64 years: - Worked in the past 12 months: - Worked full-time, year-round
estimate__55_to_64_years____worked_in_the_past_12_months_____2 numeric Estimate; 55 to 64 years: - Worked in the past 12 months: - Worked less than full-time, year-round
margin_of_error__55_to_64_years____worked_in_the_past_12_mon_3 numeric Margin of Error; 55 to 64 years: - Worked in the past 12 months: - Worked less than full-time, year-round
estimate__55_to_64_years____did_not_work_in_the_past_12_mont numeric Estimate; 55 to 64 years: - Did not work in the past 12 months
margin_of_error__55_to_64_years____did_not_work_in_the_past_ numeric Margin of Error; 55 to 64 years: - Did not work in the past 12 months
estimate__65_to_69_years_ numeric Estimate; 65 to 69 years:
margin_of_error__65_to_69_years_ numeric Margin of Error; 65 to 69 years:
estimate__65_to_69_years____worked_in_the_past_12_months_ numeric Estimate; 65 to 69 years: - Worked in the past 12 months:
margin_of_error__65_to_69_years____worked_in_the_past_12_mon numeric Margin of Error; 65 to 69 years: - Worked in the past 12 months:
estimate__65_to_69_years____worked_in_the_past_12_months____ numeric Estimate; 65 to 69 years: - Worked in the past 12 months: - Worked full-time, year-round
margin_of_error__65_to_69_years____worked_in_the_past_12_mon_2 numeric Margin of Error; 65 to 69 years: - Worked in the past 12 months: - Worked full-time, year-round
estimate__65_to_69_years____worked_in_the_past_12_months_____2 numeric Estimate; 65 to 69 years: - Worked in the past 12 months: - Worked less than full-time, year-round
margin_of_error__65_to_69_years____worked_in_the_past_12_mon_3 numeric Margin of Error; 65 to 69 years: - Worked in the past 12 months: - Worked less than full-time, year-round
estimate__65_to_69_years____did_not_work_in_the_past_12_mont numeric Estimate; 65 to 69 years: - Did not work in the past 12 months
margin_of_error__65_to_69_years____did_not_work_in_the_past_ numeric Margin of Error; 65 to 69 years: - Did not work in the past 12 months
estimate__70_years_and_over_ numeric Estimate; 70 years and over:
margin_of_error__70_years_and_over_ numeric Margin of Error; 70 years and over:
estimate__70_years_and_over____worked_in_the_past_12_months_ numeric Estimate; 70 years and over: - Worked in the past 12 months:
margin_of_error__70_years_and_over____worked_in_the_past_12_ numeric Margin of Error; 70 years and over: - Worked in the past 12 months:
estimate__70_years_and_over____worked_in_the_past_12_months__2 numeric Estimate; 70 years and over: - Worked in the past 12 months: - Worked full-time, year-round
margin_of_error__70_years_and_over____worked_in_the_past_12__2 numeric Margin of Error; 70 years and over: - Worked in the past 12 months: - Worked full-time, year-round
estimate__70_years_and_over____worked_in_the_past_12_months__3 numeric Estimate; 70 years and over: - Worked in the past 12 months: - Worked less than full-time, year-round
margin_of_error__70_years_and_over____worked_in_the_past_12__3 numeric Margin of Error; 70 years and over: - Worked in the past 12 months: - Worked less than full-time, year-round
estimate__70_years_and_over____did_not_work_in_the_past_12_m numeric Estimate; 70 years and over: - Did not work in the past 12 months
margin_of_error__70_years_and_over____did_not_work_in_the_pa numeric Margin of Error; 70 years and over: - Did not work in the past 12 months

Zusätzliche Informationen

Feld Wert
Daten wurden zuletzt aktualisiert 29. August 2017
Metadaten zuletzt aktualisiert 10. Juli 2024
Erstellt 29. August 2017
Format CSV
Lizenz Creative Commons Attribution
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Package idc6265ffb-c86e-4a2c-870b-1aaa0772c449
Preview rows91
Revision id060d5eaf-06e7-40d6-93e5-c4e11bb2cd5f
Total record count91
Url typeupload