
Spalte Typ Bezeichnung Beschreibung
Neighborhood text Neighborhood
Id numeric Id
estimate__total_ numeric Estimate; Total:
margin_of_error__total_ numeric Margin of Error; Total:
estimate__total____english_only numeric Estimate; Total: - English only
margin_of_error__total____english_only numeric Margin of Error; Total: - English only
estimate__total____spanish_ numeric Estimate; Total: - Spanish:
margin_of_error__total____spanish_ numeric Margin of Error; Total: - Spanish:
estimate__total____spanish____limited_english_speaking_house numeric Estimate; Total: - Spanish: - Limited English speaking household
margin_of_error__total____spanish____limited_english_speakin numeric Margin of Error; Total: - Spanish: - Limited English speaking household
estimate__total____spanish____not_a_limited_english_speaking numeric Estimate; Total: - Spanish: - Not a limited English speaking household
margin_of_error__total____spanish____not_a_limited_english_s numeric Margin of Error; Total: - Spanish: - Not a limited English speaking household
estimate__total____other_indo_european_languages_ numeric Estimate; Total: - Other Indo-European languages:
margin_of_error__total____other_indo_european_languages_ numeric Margin of Error; Total: - Other Indo-European languages:
estimate__total____other_indo_european_languages____limited_ numeric Estimate; Total: - Other Indo-European languages: - Limited English speaking household
margin_of_error__total____other_indo_european_languages____l numeric Margin of Error; Total: - Other Indo-European languages: - Limited English speaking household
estimate__total____other_indo_european_languages____not_a_li numeric Estimate; Total: - Other Indo-European languages: - Not a limited English speaking household
margin_of_error__total____other_indo_european_languages____n numeric Margin of Error; Total: - Other Indo-European languages: - Not a limited English speaking household
estimate__total____asian_and_pacific_island_languages_ numeric Estimate; Total: - Asian and Pacific Island languages:
margin_of_error__total____asian_and_pacific_island_languages numeric Margin of Error; Total: - Asian and Pacific Island languages:
estimate__total____asian_and_pacific_island_languages____lim numeric Estimate; Total: - Asian and Pacific Island languages: - Limited English speaking household
margin_of_error__total____asian_and_pacific_island_languages_2 numeric Margin of Error; Total: - Asian and Pacific Island languages: - Limited English speaking household
estimate__total____asian_and_pacific_island_languages____not numeric Estimate; Total: - Asian and Pacific Island languages: - Not a limited English speaking household
margin_of_error__total____asian_and_pacific_island_languages_3 numeric Margin of Error; Total: - Asian and Pacific Island languages: - Not a limited English speaking household
estimate__total____other_languages_ numeric Estimate; Total: - Other languages:
margin_of_error__total____other_languages_ numeric Margin of Error; Total: - Other languages:
estimate__total____other_languages____limited_english_speaki numeric Estimate; Total: - Other languages: - Limited English speaking household
margin_of_error__total____other_languages____limited_english numeric Margin of Error; Total: - Other languages: - Limited English speaking household
estimate__total____other_languages____not_a_limited_english_ numeric Estimate; Total: - Other languages: - Not a limited English speaking household
margin_of_error__total____other_languages____not_a_limited_e numeric Margin of Error; Total: - Other languages: - Not a limited English speaking household

Zusätzliche Informationen

Feld Wert
Daten wurden zuletzt aktualisiert 29. August 2017
Metadaten zuletzt aktualisiert 10. Juli 2024
Erstellt 29. August 2017
Format CSV
Lizenz Creative Commons Attribution
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Package idc6265ffb-c86e-4a2c-870b-1aaa0772c449
Preview rows91
Revision id3ea1f0a4-2100-4caf-905f-8ef64bd9af25
Total record count91
Url typeupload