
Spalte Typ Bezeichnung Beschreibung
Neighborhood text
Sector # text
Population (2010) text
Land Area (acres) text
Approx. Total # Parcels (2010) text
Approx. Total # Taxable Parcels (2010) text
Approx. # of Structures (2010) text
Approx. # Unoccupied Parcels (2010) text
% Good / Excellent Condition Buildings (2009) text
% Average Condition Buildings (2009) text
% Poor / Derelict Condition Buildings (2009) text
# Residential Bldg. Permits (2010) text
$ Residential Bldg. Permits (2010) text
# Commercial Bldg. Permits (2010) text
$ Commercial Bldg. Permits (2010) text
# Code Violations (2010) text
% of all Bldgs. w/ Code Violations (2010) text
# Condemned Structures (2010) text
% of all Bldgs. Condemned (2010) text
# Demolitions (2010) text
# Tax Delinquent Prop. (2+ yrs.) (2010) text
% of Taxable Prop. Delinquent (2010) text

Zusätzliche Informationen

Feld Wert
Daten wurden zuletzt aktualisiert 14. Oktober 2015
Metadaten zuletzt aktualisiert 21. Mai 2023
Erstellt 14. Oktober 2015
Format CSV
Lizenz Creative Commons CCZero
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Package id40188e1c-6d2e-4f20-9391-607bd3054949
Revision ida4202d45-a75f-410c-9846-b1411dbec7a1
Url typeupload