Kingsley House Membership and Occupation Data 1920/1926

This data set was prepared by Adrianna Taraboletti, a student enrolled in the University of Pittsburgh’s Masters in Library and Information Science program. These datasets are taken from the annual reports for the Kingsley Association from 1920 to 1926. The Kingsley House was part of the greater Kingsley Association, which was established in 1893. The purpose of the Kingsley Association was to provide services to working-class families of Pittsburgh. For more information on the Kingsley Association and the Kingsley House, see the readme file included here.

These datasets transcribe the percentages of members’ occupations and percentages of members of the Kingsley House based on age and gender for each year, with the exception of the years 1921 and 1924 when no data was published.

There are four datasets included are Registered Member of the Kingsley House by Age Groups Percentages 1920-1923, Registered Member of the Kingsley House by Age Groups Percentages 1925-1926, Occupation Percentages 1920- 1923, and Occupation Percentages 1925-1926.

This data was published by the Kingsley Association and obtained through Historic Pittsburgh, which is hosted by the University of Pittsburgh Library System.

Daten und Ressourcen

Zusätzliche Informationen

Feld Wert
Public Access Level Comment
Temporal Coverage 1920/1926
Geographic Unit Neighborhood
Data Notes

This data set was prepared by Adrianna Taraboletti, a student enrolled in the University of Pittsburgh’s Masters in Library and Information Science program. These data sets are taken from the annual reports for the Kingsley Association from 1920 to 1926. There are four datasets included are Registered Member of the Kingsley House by Age Groups Percentages 1920-1923, Registered Member of the Kingsley House by Age Groups Percentages 1925-1926, Occupation Percentages 1920- 1923, and Occupation Percentages 1925-1926. The years 1921 and 1924 are not included for the following reasons: the pages with this data were missing from the 1921 annual report and the data was not included in the 1924 annual report.

Related Document(s) Historic Pittsburgh Kingsley Association Records Collection -
Frequency - Data Change Not Updated (Historical Only)
Frequency - Publishing Not Updated (Historical Only)
Data Steward Bob Gradeck
Data Steward Email Bob Gradeck