Business Licenses
Current and historical business licenses for the City of Pittsburgh
Spalte | Typ | Bezeichnung | Beschreibung |
license_number | text | License Number | Issued License Number for the business. The formatting of the license number is dependent on the License Type. |
license_type_name | text | License Type Name | Description of the specific nature of the certification. |
naics_code | text | NAICS Code | Code as designated in the North American Industry Classification System. |
business_name | text | Business Name | Name of business associated with the license. Sole proprietors are referred to by name. |
license_state | text | License State | A description of whether the license is currently Active or Expired. |
initial_issue_date | timestamp | Initial Issue Date | Date the license was initially issued. |
most_recent_issue_date | timestamp | Most Recent Issue Date | Date the license was most recently issued or renewed. This may be the same date as the initial issue date. |
effective_date | timestamp | Effective Date | Date the certification became active. |
expiration_date | timestamp | Expiration Date | Date the certification will no longer be active. |
parcel_number | text | Parcel Number | Parcel Number for the location of the associated business, if applicable. |
address | text | Formatted Address | Address of the business associated with the license, where applicable. |
email_address | text | Business Contact E-mail Address | Contact e-mail address provided with the license application. |
primary_phone_number | text | Primary Business Phone Number | Formatted version of the phone number associated with the license application. |
insurance_expiration_date | date | Insurance Expiration Date | Date when the insurance associated with the license expires, when applicable. |
number_of_buildings | int4 | Number of Buildings | Number of buildings that the license applies to, when applicable. |
number_of_employees | int4 | Number of Employees | Number of employees associated with the license, when applicable. |
number_of_large_signs | int4 | Number of Large Signs | Number of large signs associated with the license, when applicable. |
number_of_small_signs | int4 | Number of Small Signs | Number of small signs associated with the license, when applicable. |
number_of_signs_total | int4 | Number of Signs, Total | Total number of signs associated with the license, when applicable. |
number_of_handicap_spaces | int4 | Number of Handicap Spaces | If a parking lot permit, the number of handicap spaces that are built into the lot. |
number_of_nonleased_pub_spaces | int4 | Number of Non-Leased Public Spaces | If a parking lot permit, the number of spaces that are not leased and are available for public use. |
number_of_revgen_spaces | int4 | Number of Revenue-generating Spaces | If a parking lot permit, the number of spaces that have a fee for use, with the purpose of generating revenue. |
total_number_of_spaces | int4 | Total Number of Spaces | If a parking lot permit, the total number of spaces available for any use in the lot. |
number_of_jukeboxes | int4 | Number of Jukeboxes | Number of jukeboxes that are associated with a business' permit. |
number_of_nongambling_machines | int4 | Number of Gambling Machines | Number of gambling machines that are associated with a business' permit. |
number_of_rooms | int4 | Number of Rooms | Number of rooms in the building or space that is associated with a business' permit. |
number_of_seats | int4 | Number of Seats | Number of seats in the building or space that is associated with a business' permit. |
number_of_pool_tables | int4 | Number of Pool Tables | Number of pool tables in the building or space that is associated with a business' permit. |
number_of_units | int4 | Number of Units | Number of units in the building or space that is associated with a business' permit. |
Zusätzliche Informationen
Feld | Wert |
Daten wurden zuletzt aktualisiert | 27. Februar 2025 |
Metadaten zuletzt aktualisiert | 27. Februar 2025 |
Erstellt | 3. Januar 2019 |
Format | CSV |
Lizenz | Creative Commons CCZero |
Datastore active | True |
Has views | True |
Id | e88c10d5-541d-417f-aef6-25cc5637aeb1 |
Mimetype | text/csv |
Package id | 2b5324d4-c57f-42f7-bac8-2aec26e199cf |
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Revision id | ea2c2ef0-699a-4543-bba2-7bd013b0c162 |
Size | 1,5 MiB |
State | active |
Url type | datapusher |