
Spalte Typ Bezeichnung Beschreibung
license_number text License Number

Issued License Number for the business. The formatting of the license number is dependent on the License Type.

license_type_name text License Type Name

Description of the specific nature of the certification.

naics_code text NAICS Code

Code as designated in the North American Industry Classification System.

business_name text Business Name

Name of business associated with the license. Sole proprietors are referred to by name.

license_state text License State

A description of whether the license is currently Active or Expired.

initial_issue_date timestamp Initial Issue Date

Date the license was initially issued.

most_recent_issue_date timestamp Most Recent Issue Date

Date the license was most recently issued or renewed. This may be the same date as the initial issue date.

effective_date timestamp Effective Date

Date the certification became active.

expiration_date timestamp Expiration Date

Date the certification will no longer be active.

parcel_number text Parcel Number

Parcel Number for the location of the associated business, if applicable.

address text Formatted Address

Address of the business associated with the license, where applicable.

email_address text Business Contact E-mail Address

Contact e-mail address provided with the license application.

primary_phone_number text Primary Business Phone Number

Formatted version of the phone number associated with the license application.

insurance_expiration_date date Insurance Expiration Date

Date when the insurance associated with the license expires, when applicable.

number_of_buildings int4 Number of Buildings

Number of buildings that the license applies to, when applicable.

number_of_employees int4 Number of Employees

Number of employees associated with the license, when applicable.

number_of_large_signs int4 Number of Large Signs

Number of large signs associated with the license, when applicable.

number_of_small_signs int4 Number of Small Signs

Number of small signs associated with the license, when applicable.

number_of_signs_total int4 Number of Signs, Total

Total number of signs associated with the license, when applicable.

number_of_handicap_spaces int4 Number of Handicap Spaces

If a parking lot permit, the number of handicap spaces that are built into the lot.

number_of_nonleased_pub_spaces int4 Number of Non-Leased Public Spaces

If a parking lot permit, the number of spaces that are not leased and are available for public use.

number_of_revgen_spaces int4 Number of Revenue-generating Spaces

If a parking lot permit, the number of spaces that have a fee for use, with the purpose of generating revenue.

total_number_of_spaces int4 Total Number of Spaces

If a parking lot permit, the total number of spaces available for any use in the lot.

number_of_jukeboxes int4 Number of Jukeboxes

Number of jukeboxes that are associated with a business' permit.

number_of_nongambling_machines int4 Number of Gambling Machines

Number of gambling machines that are associated with a business' permit.

number_of_rooms int4 Number of Rooms

Number of rooms in the building or space that is associated with a business' permit.

number_of_seats int4 Number of Seats

Number of seats in the building or space that is associated with a business' permit.

number_of_pool_tables int4 Number of Pool Tables

Number of pool tables in the building or space that is associated with a business' permit.

number_of_units int4 Number of Units

Number of units in the building or space that is associated with a business' permit.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Feld Wert
Daten wurden zuletzt aktualisiert 27. Februar 2025
Metadaten zuletzt aktualisiert 27. Februar 2025
Erstellt 3. Januar 2019
Format CSV
Lizenz Creative Commons CCZero
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Package id2b5324d4-c57f-42f7-bac8-2aec26e199cf
Revision idea2c2ef0-699a-4543-bba2-7bd013b0c162
Size1,5 MiB
Url typedatapusher