Allegheny County Weights and Measures Inspections

Inspections conducted by the Allegheny County Bureau of Weights and Measures. The Bureau inspects weighing and timing devices such as gas pumps, laundromat timers, parking meters, and produce scales. The Bureau also conducts price scan verifications on a regular basis to ensure consumers are being charged fairly.

Daten und Ressourcen

Zusätzliche Informationen

Feld Wert
Public Access Level Comment
Temporal Coverage 2016
Geographic Unit Street Address
Data Notes

The store, device, and inspection data are built on a relational data structure. All three tables contain a "STORE ID" - Inspections can be linked to both devices and stores through a "STORE ID" and "DEVICE ID"

Related Document(s)
Frequency - Data Change Daily
Frequency - Publishing Annually
Data Steward Ellen Allen
Data Steward Email Ellen Allen