Aquatic Inspections
This dataset includes information from inspection reports of permitted swimming pools, recirculating spray pads, and hot tubs/spas in Allegheny County. In conjunction with the National...
Quelle: Allegheny County Public Swimming Pool, Hot Tub, and Spa Inspections
Spalte | Typ | Bezeichnung | Beschreibung |
Inspection ID | text | Inspection ID | Inspection ID |
Facility ID | text | Facility ID | Internal identifier for this facility |
Facility Name | text | Facility Name | Name of facility |
Facility Address | text | Facility Address | Line one of facility street address |
Facility Address 2 | text | Facility Address Line 2 | Line two of facility street address |
Facility Municipality Name | text | Facility Municipality | Municipality where the facility is located |
Facility City | text | Facility City | City where the facility is located |
Facility County | text | Facility county | County where the facility is located |
Facility State | text | Facility state | Two-letter abbreviation for the state where the facility is located |
Facility Postal Code | text | Facility Postal Code | USPS ZIP Code in which the facility is located |
Facility Latitude | float8 | Facility Latitude | Geocoded latitude of the facility's location |
Facility Longitude | float8 | Facility Longitude | Geocoded longitude of the facility's location |
Venue Type | text | Venue Type | The venue type |
Inspection Date | timestamp | Inspection Date | The date and time at which the inspection occurred |
Inspection End | timestamp | Inspection End | The date and time at which the inspection ended. |
Inspection Purpose | text | Inspection Purpose | Purpose of the inspection |
Inspection Passed | bool | ||
Inspection Number | int4 | Inspection Number | Count of inspections for this period |
Inspector Name | text | Inspector Name | Name of the Allegheny County Health Department inspector |
Free Chlorine, Shallow | float8 | Free Chlorine, Shallow End | Free Cl concentration (ppm) |
Free Chlorine, Deep | float8 | Free Chlorine, Deep End | Free Cl concentration in the deep end, if the pool is > 100,000 gal (ppm) |
Combined Chlorine, Shallow | float8 | Combined Chlorine, Shallow End | Combined Cl concentration (ppm) |
Combined Chlorine, Deep | float8 | Combined Chlorine, Deep End | Combined Cl concentration in the deep end, if the pool is > 100,000 gal (ppm) |
Free Bromine, Shallow | float8 | Free Bromine, Shallow End | Free Br concentration (ppm) |
Free Bromine, Deep | float8 | Free Bromine, Deep End | Br concentration in the deep end, if the pool is > 100,000 gal (ppm) |
pH Value, Shallow | text | ph Value, Shallow | Negative Log of the Hydrogen ion concentration (pH) |
pH Value, Deep | text | ph Value, Deep | Negative Log of the Hydrogen ion concentration in the deep end, if the pool is > 100,000 gal (pH) |
Cyanuric Acid | text | Cyanuric Acid | Cyanuric acid concentration (ppm) |
Turnover | float8 | Turnover | Rate at which water passes through filtration/disinfection system |
Enclosure | bool | Enclosure flag | Fencing, walls, gates and doors in good repair |
Main Drain Visible | bool | Main Drain Visible flag | Water is clear, main drain visible |
Safety Equipment | bool | Safety Equipment flag | Appropriate safety equipment present & in good repair |
Disinfectant Level | bool | Disinfectant Level flag | Tested disinfectant level within specified bounds |
pH Balance | bool | ph Balance flag | pH value tested between 7.2 and 7.8 |
No Imminent Health Hazards | bool | No Imminent Health Hazards flag | Other: Imminent Health Hazards are a 10-point critical violation |
Abated Date | date | Abated Date | Date which violations were abated by the facility operators |
Zusätzliche Informationen
Feld | Wert |
Daten wurden zuletzt aktualisiert | 9. März 2025 |
Metadaten zuletzt aktualisiert | 9. März 2025 |
Erstellt | 11. Februar 2022 |
Format | CSV |
Lizenz | Creative Commons CCZero |
Datastore active | True |
Has views | True |
Id | 84b3105f-49dd-4fe2-8460-a733ee75d996 |
Mimetype | text/csv |
Package id | f00f803d-78e3-44fd-80b3-c3fb2cd3003a |
Position | 0 |
Revision id | dc689373-73a5-4858-aa49-17de8f8ed175 |
Size | 46,1 KiB |
State | active |
Url type | datapusher |