
Spalte Typ Bezeichnung Beschreibung
violation_uid text Violation ID

A unique identifier for each violation.

inspect_id text Inspection ID

The inspection ID, used to tie to facility & inspection information.

inspection_number int4 Inspection number

Count of inspections for this period

viol_date date Violation Date

Violation date

viol_class text Violation class

A classification for the violation, which can be either "Critical" or "Non Critical" (though sometimes this value is null)

allow_prom_yn text Promotable Violation

Violation class can be upgraded based on severity

emergency_yn text Emergency Flag

Violation required closure (has values of "Y" or "N")

sect_num int4 Violation Section

The Section of Article IX where the violation can be found

sub_sect text Violation Sub-Section

The Sub-Section of Article IX where the violation can be found

struct_or_dwell text Structure or Dwelling

Codes for whether the violation occurred in a Structure (S) or Dwelling (D). Not Applicable for Article IX inspections.

owner_or_tenant text Owner or Tenant

Codes for Owner (O) or Tenant (T). Not Applicable for Article IX inspections.

violation text Violation description

Description of the Article IX violation

remedy text Remedy

Action(s) that need to be taken in order to correct the violation

Zusätzliche Informationen

Feld Wert
Daten wurden zuletzt aktualisiert 9. März 2025
Metadaten zuletzt aktualisiert 9. März 2025
Erstellt 11. Februar 2022
Format CSV
Lizenz Creative Commons CCZero
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Package idf00f803d-78e3-44fd-80b3-c3fb2cd3003a
Revision id413f7803-ebb5-46ec-add9-e25f76323ea6
Size65,1 KiB
Url typedatapusher