
Spalte Typ Bezeichnung Beschreibung
Site text

The name of the building, streetlight, meter, or pump.

Site ID text

Alphanumeric building code.

Year numeric

Energy and water data is presented as a total amount by calendar year.

Electricity (kBtu) numeric

Total consumption of electricity in kBtu (thousands of British thermal units).

Natural Gas (kBtu) numeric

Total consumption of natural gas in kBtu (thousands of British thermal units).

Steam (kBtu) numeric

Total consumption of district steam in kBtu (thousands of British thermal units). Steam is only used in the downtown office buildings and the Jail.

Total Energy (kBtu) numeric

The sum of all energy used in kBtu (thousands of British thermal units).

Total Energy Cost ($) numeric

Total cost for all energy consumed at the site.

Area (SqFt) numeric

The total floor area of the building. Sites such as streetlights, pumps, and air pollution monitors do not have a square footage. Also, some buildings in the County parks are missing square footage as the floor plans are in the process of being digitized.

Site EUI (kBtu/ft2) numeric

EUI is the total energy used by the building in one year divided by the building’s total square footage.

Source EUI (kBtu/ft2) numeric

The formula for source EUI weights different types of energy according to the total amount of raw fuel needed to operate a building, including transmission, delivery, and production losses. Electricity is multiplied by 3.14, natural gas by 1.05, and steam by 1.2 to arrive at the total source energy used. This figure is then divided by the building’s square footage.

Weather Normalized Site EUI (kBtu/ft2) numeric

The amount of energy the building would have consumed in one year under 30-average weather conditions (also called climate normals), divided by the total gross floor area of the building. This enables building performance comparison over time, despite unusual weather events. Site EUI is multiplied by a conversion factor typically ranging from .98 to 1.02 to arrive at this number.

Weather Normalized Source EUI (kBtu/ft2) numeric

The amount of raw fuel the building would have consumed in one year under 30-average weather conditions (also called climate normals), divided by the total gross floor area of the building. This enables building performance comparison over time, despite unusual weather events. Source EUI is multiplied by a conversion factor typically ranging from .98 to 1.02 to arrive at this number.

Water (kGal) numeric

Total water by thousands of gallons.

Sewer (kGal) numeric

Total sewer by thousands of gallons.

Water Cost ($) numeric

Total water cost.

Sewer Cost ($) numeric

Total sewer cost.

Address Line 1 text

Street address of the site. Some sites such as street lights do not have a precise address.

City text

Municipality of the site.

State text

State of the site.

Zip Code numeric

Zip Code of the site.

Zip Code +4 numeric

The 4-digit extension to the Zip Code.

Department text

The County department that operates at or is responsible for the site. Sites that house several departments, such as the County Office Building, are coded as “Multiple”.

Division/Department detail text

The department division, County park or Public Works district operating at or responsible for the site.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Feld Wert
Daten wurden zuletzt aktualisiert 22. Januar 2016
Metadaten zuletzt aktualisiert 21. Mai 2023
Erstellt 22. Januar 2016
Format XLSX
Lizenz Creative Commons CCZero
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Package id98ec7315-47ad-4ffc-9368-dea01d054761
Revision id24f23950-ccbc-4d25-afb9-512e9693377d
Url typeupload