
Spalte Typ Bezeichnung Beschreibung
CRASH_CRN text Crash Number

Crash Record Number (a unique identifier for the crash)

DISTRICT text District

District Number where crash occurred

CRASH_COUNTY text County

County Code Number where crash occurred (02 == Allegheny County)

MUNICIPALITY text Municipality

County Municipality Code

POLICE_AGCY text Police Agency Code

Code of the reporting Police Agency

CRASH_YEAR int4 Crash Year

Year when the crash occurred

CRASH_MONTH text Crash Month

Month when the crash occurred

DAY_OF_WEEK int4 Day of Week

Day of the Week code when crash occurred

TIME_OF_DAY text Time of Day

The time of day when the crash occurred

HOUR_OF_DAY text Hour of Day

The hour of Day when the crash occurred

ILLUMINATION text Illumination

"Code that defines lighting at crash scene 1 – Daylight 2 – Dark – no street lights 3 – Dark – street lights 4 – Dusk 5 – Dawn 6 – Dark – unknown roadway lighting 8 – Other

WEATHER text Weather

Code for the first weather condition at time of crash 01 - Blowing Sand, Soil, Dirt 02 - Blowing Snow 03 - Clear 04 - Cloudy 05 - Fog, Smog, Smoke 06 - Freezing Rain or Freezing Drizzle 07 - Rain 08 - Severe Crosswinds 09 - Sleet or Hail 10 - Snow 98 - Other 99 - Unknown

ROAD_CONDITION text Road Condition

"Roadway Surface Condition Code 0 - Dry 1 - Wet 2 - Sand/ mud/ dirt/ oil/ or gravel 3 - Snow covered 4 - Slush 5 - Ice 6 - Ice Patches 7 - Water - standing or moving 8 - Other 9 - Unknown (expired)"

COLLISION_TYPE text Collision Type

Collision category that defines the crash 0 - Non collision 1 - Rear-end 2 - Head-on 3 - Rear-to-rear (Backing) 4 - Angle 5 - Sideswipe (same dir.) 6 - Sideswipe (Opposite dir.) 7 - Hit fixed object 8 - Hit pedestrian 9 - Other or Unknown

RELATION_TO_ROAD text Relation to Road

Code for the crash's relativity to the road 1 - On roadway 2 - Shoulder 3 - Median 4 - Roadside (off trafficway; on vehicle area) 5 - Outside trafficway (in area not meant for vehicles) 6 - In parking lane 7 - Gore (intersection of ramp and highway) 9 - Unknown

INTERSECT_TYPE text Intersect Type

Code that defines the Intersection Type 00 - Mid-block 01 - Four way intersection 02 - ""T"" intersection 03 - ""Y"" intersection 04 - Traffic circle or Round About 05 - Multi-leg intersection 06 - On ramp 07 - Off ramp 08 - Crossover 09 - Railroad crossing 10 - Other 99 - Unknown (expired)

TCD_TYPE text Traffic Control Device Type Code

Code that defines the Traffic Control Device 0 - Not applicable 1 - Flashing traffic signal 2 - Traffic signal 3 - Stop sign 4 - Yield sign 5 - Active RR crossing controls 6 - Passive RR crossing controls 7 - Police officer or flagman 8 - Other Type TCD 9 - Unknown

URBAN_RURAL text Urban Rural Flag

Code to classify crash as Urban or Rural based on municipality

LOCATION_TYPE text Location Type

Code that defines the crash location 0 - Not applicable 1 - Underpass 2 - Ramp 3 - Bridge 4 - Tunnel 5 - Toll Booth 6 - Cross over related 7 - Driveway or Parking Lot 8 - Ramp and bridge 9 - Unknown

SCH_BUS_IND text School Bus Flag

Did the crash involve a School Bus? (Y/N); Y = Yes N = No

SCH_ZONE_IND text School Zone Flag

Did the crash occur in a School Zone? (Y/N); Y = Yes N = No

TOTAL_UNITS int4 Total Units

Total count of all Vehicles and Pedestrians

PERSON_COUNT int4 Person Count

Total amount of people involved

VEHICLE_COUNT int4 Vehicle Count

Total amount of all vehicles involved

AUTOMOBILE_COUNT int4 Automobile Count

Total Amount of Automobiles Involved

MOTORCYCLE_COUNT int4 Motorcycle Count

Total amount of Motorcycles Involved

BUS_COUNT int4 Bus Count

Total amount of Buses involved

SMALL_TRUCK_COUNT int4 Small Truck Count

Total amount of Small Trucks involved

HEAVY_TRUCK_COUNT int4 Heavy Truck Count

Total amount of Heavy Trucks involved

SUV_COUNT int4 SUV Count

Total count of sport utility vehicles involved

VAN_COUNT int4 Van Count

Total amount of vans involved

BICYCLE_COUNT int4 Bicycle Count

Total amount of Bicycles involved

FATAL_COUNT int4 Fatality Count

Total amount of fatalities involved

INJURY_COUNT int4 Injury Count

Total count of all injuries sustained

MAJ_INJ_COUNT int4 Major Injury Count

Major Injury = Incapacitating injury, including bleeding wounds and distorted members (amputations or broken bones), and requires transport of the patient from the scene

MOD_INJ_COUNT int4 Moderate Injury Count

Moderate Injury = Non- incapacitating injury, including bruises, abrasions, swelling, and limping. This is an injury that may require some form of medical treatment or hospitalization.

MIN_INJ_COUNT int4 Minor Injury Count

Minor Injury = Possible injury, although there may be no visible injuries, and the patient complains of pain. This is an injury that can be treated by basic first-aid application whether at the scene or in medical facilities.

UNK_INJ_DEG_COUNT int4 Unknown Injury Degree count

No. of injuries with unknown severity

UNK_INJ_PER_COUNT int4 Unknown Injured Person Count

No. of people that are unknown if injured

UNBELTED_OCC_COUNT int4 Unknown Injured Person Count

No. of people that are unknown if injured

UNB_DEATH_COUNT int4 Unbelted Occupant Count

Total count of all unbelted occupants

UNB_MAJ_INJ_COUNT int4 Unbelted Major Injury Count

No. of people with major injuries not wearing a seatbelt

BELTED_DEATH_COUNT int4 Belted Death Count

Total Deaths of belted occupants

BELTED_MAJ_INJ_COUNT int4 Belted Major Injury Count

No. of people who sustained major injuries wearing a seatbelt

MCYCLE_DEATH_COUNT int4 Motorcycle Death Count

Total amount of Motorcyclist fatalities

MCYCLE_MAJ_INJ_COUNT int4 Motorcycle Major Injury Count

No. of people with major injuries of Motorcyclists

BICYCLE_DEATH_COUNT int4 Bicyclist Death Count

Total amount of Bicyclist Fatalities

BICYCLE_MAJ_INJ_COUNT int4 Bicyclist Major Injury Cout

No. of Bicyclists who sustained a major injury

PED_COUNT int4 Pedestrian Count

Total amount of Pedestrians involved

PED_DEATH_COUNT int4 Pedestrian Death Count

Total amount of Pedestrian fatalities

PED_MAJ_INJ_COUNT int4 Pedestrian Major Injury Count

No. of Pedestrians who sustained a major injury

COMM_VEH_COUNT int4 Commercial Vehicle Count

Total Commercial vehicles involved

MAX_SEVERITY_LEVEL int4 Max Severity Level

Injury severity level of the crash 0 - Not injured 1 - Killed 2 – Suspected Serious injury 3 – Suspected Minor injury 4 – Possible Injury 8 - Injury/ Unknown Severity 9 - Unknown if Injured

DRIVER_COUNT_16YR int4 Drive Count 16 years old

Total amount of 16 year old drivers

DRIVER_COUNT_17YR int4 Drive Count 17 years old

Total amount of 17 year old drivers

DRIVER_COUNT_18YR int4 Drive Count 18 years old

Total amount of 18 year old drivers

DRIVER_COUNT_19YR int4 Drive Count 19 years old

Total amount of 19 year old drivers

DRIVER_COUNT_20YR int4 Drive Count 20 years old

Total amount of 20 year old drivers

DRIVER_COUNT_50_64YR int4 Drive Count 50-64 years old

Total amount of 50 to 64 year old drivers

DRIVER_COUNT_65_74YR int4 Drive Count 65-74 years old

Total amount of 65 to 74 year old drivers

DRIVER_COUNT_75PLUS int4 Drive Count 75+ years old

Total amount of drivers ages 75 and up

LATITUDE text Latitude

GPS Coordinates from Police if present; Degrees:Min:Sec.Dec Sec

LONGITUDE text Longitude

GPS Coordinates from Police if present; Degrees:Min:Sec.Dec Sec

DEC_LAT float8 Decimal Latitude

Decimal Latitude for SR's; Degrees.Decimal Degrees

DEC_LONG float8 Decimal Longitude

Decimal Longitude for SR's; Degrees.Decimal Degrees

EST_HRS_CLOSED int4 Estimated Hours Closed

Estimated hours roadway was closed

LANE_CLOSED int4 Lane Closed Flag

Was there a lane closure? (Y/N); 1=Y, 0 = N

LN_CLOSE_DIR text Lane Closed Direction Code

"1 - North 2 - South 3 - East 4 - West 5 - North And South 6 - East and West 7 - All (N

NTFY_HIWY_MAINT text Highway Maintenance Notified Flag

PENNDOT highway maintenance notified? 0 = No, 1 = Yes

RDWY_SURF_TYPE_CD text Roadway Surface Type Code

Code for the Roadway surface type –only for fatal crashes 1 - Concrete 2 - Blacktop 3 - Brick or Block 4 - Slag, Gravel, or Stone 5 - Dirt 8 - Other 9 - Unknown

SPEC_JURIS_CD text Special Jurisdiction Code

Code that defines any special jurisdiction – only for fatal crashes
0 - No Special Jurisdiction 1 - National Park 2 - Military 3 - Indian Reservation 4 - College/University Campus 5 - Other Federal Sites 8 - Other 9 - Unknown

TCD_FUNC_CD text Code for Traffic Control Device state

0 - No Controls 1 - Device not Functioning 2 - Device Functioning improperly 3 - Device Functioning properly 4 - Emergency Preemptive Signal 9 - Unknown

TFC_DETOUR_IND text Traffic Detour Indicator

Was the Traffic Detoured? (Y/N) 0 = No, 1 = Yes

WORK_ZONE_IND text Work Zone Flag

Did the crash occur in a work zone (Y/N) 0 = No, 1 = Yes

WORK_ZONE_TYPE text Work Zone Type Code

Code to define the type of Work Zone 1 - Construction 2 - Maintenance 3 - Utility company

WORK_ZONE_LOC text The Work Zone Location Code

1 - Before the 1st work zone warning sign 2 - Advance warning area 3 - Transition area 4 - Activity area 5 - Termination area 8 - Other

CONS_ZONE_SPD_LIM int4 Construction Zone Speed Limit

Speed limit for the Construction Zone

WORKERS_PRES text Construction Workers Present

Were construction personnel present? (Y/N); 0 = No, 1 = Yes

WZ_CLOSE_DETOUR text Work Zone Closed Detour

Was traffic rerouted due to work zone?(Y/N); 0 = No, 1 = Yes

WZ_FLAGGER text Work Zone Flagman Flag

Did Work zone have a flagman? (Y/N) 0 = No, 1 = Yes

WZ_LAW_OFFCR_IND text Work Zone Patrolman Flag

Did Work zone have a patrolman? (Y/N) 0 = No, 1 = Yes

WZ_LN_CLOSURE text Work Zone Lane Closure Flag

Did Work zone have a patrolman? (Y/N) 0 = No, 1 = Yes

WZ_MOVING text Work Zone Moving Flag

Was there moving work in the zone? (Y/N) 0 = No, 1 = Yes

WZ_OTHER text Work Zone Special Flag

Was this a special type of work zone? (Y/N) 0 = No, 1 = Yes

WZ_SHLDER_MDN text Work Zone Shoulder/Median Flag

Was a median/shoulder in the zone?; (Y/N) 0 = No, 1 = Yes


Crash Record Number (a unique identifier for the crash)

INTERSTATE int4 Interstate Flag

Non-Turnpike Interstate Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

STATE_ROAD int4 State Road Flag

State Road Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

LOCAL_ROAD int4 Local Road Flag

Local Road Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

LOCAL_ROAD_ONLY int4 Local Road Only Flag

Local Road Only Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

TURNPIKE int4 Turnpike Flag

Turnpike Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

WET_ROAD int4 Wet Road Flag

Wet Road Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

SNOW_SLUSH_ROAD int4 Snow Slush Road Flag

Snow Slush Road Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

ICY_ROAD int4 Icy Road Flag

Icy Road Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

SUDDEN_DEER int4 Sudden Deer Flag

Sudden Deer Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

SHLDR_RELATED int4 Shoulder Related Flag

Shoulder Related Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

REAR_END int4 Read End Flag

Rear End Collision Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

HO_OPPDIR_SDSWP int4 Head On/Opposite Direction Flag

Head on or Side Swipe Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

HIT_FIXED_OBJECT int4 Hit Fixed Object Flag

Hit Fixed Object Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

SV_RUN_OFF_RD int4 Single Vehicle Run Off Road Flag

Single Vehicle Run Off Road Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

WORK_ZONE int4 Work Zone Flag

Work Zone Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

PROPERTY_DAMAGE_ONLY int4 Property Damage Only Flag

Property Damage Only Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

FATAL_OR_MAJ_INJ int4 Fatal or Suspected Serious Injury Flag

The crash has at least one person who was killed or sustained a Major Injury; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

INJURY int4 Injury Flag

Injury Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

FATAL int4 Fatality Flag

Fatality Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

NON_INTERSECTION int4 Non-Intersecetion Flag

Non Intersection Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

INTERSECTION int4 Intersection Flag

Intersection Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

SIGNALIZED_INT int4 Signalized Intersection Flag

The crash took place at a Signalized Intersection
Signalized Intersection Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

STOP_CONTROLLED_INT int4 Stop Controlled Intersection

The crash took place at a Stop Controlled Intersection? 0 = No, 1 = Yes

UNSIGNALIZED_INT int4 Unsignalized Intersection

The crash took place at an unsignalized Intersection Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

SCHOOL_BUS int4 School Bus Flag

The crash involved at least one School Bus ? 0 = No, 1 = Yes

SCHOOL_ZONE int4 School Zone Flag

The crash took place in a School Zone? 0 = No, 1 = Yes

HIT_DEER int4 Hit Deer Flag

At least one unit Hit a Deer; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

HIT_TREE_SHRUB int4 Hit Tree or Shrub Flag

At least one unit hit a Hit Tree or Shrub ?; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

HIT_EMBANKMENT int4 Hit Embankment Flag

At least one unit Hit Embankment? 0 = No, 1 = Yes

HIT_POLE int4 Hit Pole Flag

At least one unit Hit a Pole? 0 = No, 1 = Yes

HIT_GDRAIL int4 Hit Guide Rail Flag

At least one unit hit a guide rail? 0 = No, 1 = Yes

HIT_GDRAIL_END int4 Hit Guide Rail End Flag

At least one unit hit a guide rail end flag? 0 = No, 1 = Yes

HIT_BARRIER int4 Hit Barrier Flag

Hit Barrier Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

HIT_BRIDGE int4 Hit Bridge Flag

Hit Bridge Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

OVERTURNED int4 Overturned Vehicle Indicator

The crash involved at least one Overturned Vehicle? 0 = No, 1 = Yes

MOTORCYCLE int4 Motorcycle Indicator

The crash involved at least one Motorcycle? 0 = No, 1 = Yes

BICYCLE int4 Bicycle Indicator

A Bicycle was involved? 0 = No, 1 = Yes

HVY_TRUCK_RELATED int4 Heavy Truck Related Flag

At Least one Heavy Truck was involved? 0 = No, 1 = Yes

VEHICLE_FAILURE int4 Vehicle Failure Indicator;

The crash involve At least one Vehicle Failure that contributed to the crash? 0 = No, 1 = Yes

TRAIN_TROLLEY int4 Train or Trolley Indicator

Train or Trolley Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

PHANTOM_VEHICLE int4 Phantom Vehicle Indicator

The crash involved at least one Unit that contributed to the crash but did not have any harmful events? 0 = No, 1 = Yes

ALCOHOL_RELATED int4 Alcohol Related Indicator

Alcohol Related Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

DRINKING_DRIVER int4 Drinking Driver Indicator

Drinking Driver Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

UNDERAGE_DRNK_DRV int4 Under Age drinking driver Indicator

Under Age drinking driver Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

UNLICENSED int4 Unlicensed Driver Indicator

Unlicensed Driver Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

CELL_PHONE int4 Driver Using Cell Phone Indicator

Driver Using Cell Phone Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

NO_CLEARANCE int4 No Clearance Indicator

No Clearance Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

RUNNING_RED_LT int4 Driver Running Red Light Indicator

Driver Running Red Light Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

TAILGATING int4 Tailgating Indicator

Tailgating Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

CROSS_MEDIAN int4 Cross Median Indicator

Cross Median Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

CURVE_DVR_ERROR int4 Curve in Road Driver Error Indicator

Curve in Road Driver Error Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

LIMIT_65MPH int4 Limit 65MPH

The Crash took place on a roadway that had a posted Speed limit of 65 Miles Per Hour

SPEEDING int4 Speeding Indicator

Speeding Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

SPEEDING_RELATED int4 Speeding Related Indicator

Speeding Related Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

AGGRESSIVE_DRIVING int4 Aggressive Driving Indicator

Aggressive Driving Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

FATIGUE_ASLEEP int4 Fatigue or Asleep Indicator

Fatigue or Asleep Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

DRIVER_16YR int4 Driver is 16 Years of Age Indicator

Driver is 16 Years of Age Indicator

DRIVER_17YR int4 Driver is 17 Years of Age Indicator

Driver is 17 Years of Age Indicator

DRIVER_65_74YR int4 Driver is 65 to 74 Years of Age Indicator

Driver is 65 to 74 Years of Age Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

DRIVER_75PLUS int4 Driver is 75 Years or older Age Indicator

Driver is 75 Years or older Age Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

UNBELTED int4 Anyone in crash unbelted indicator

Anyone in crash unbelted indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

PEDESTRIAN int4 Pedestrian Indicator

Pedestrian Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

DISTRACTED int4 Distracted Driver Indicator

Distracted Driver Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

CURVED_ROAD int4 Curve in Road

Curved Road; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

DRIVER_18YR int4 Driver is 18 Years of Age Indicator

Driver is 18 Years of Age Indicator

DRIVER_19YR int4 Driver is 19 Years of Age Indicator

Driver is 19 Years of Age Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

DRIVER_20YR int4 Driver is 20 Years of Age Indicator

Driver is 20 Years of Age Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

DRIVER_50_64YR int4 Driver is 50 to 64 Years of Age Indicator

Driver is 50 to 64 Years of Age Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

VEHICLE_TOWED int4 Vehicle Towed Indicator

Vehicle Towed Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

FIRE_IN_VEHICLE int4 Fire in Vehicle Flag

At least 1 Vehicle with Fire Damage; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

HIT_PARKED_VEHICLE int4 Hit Parked Vehicle Indicator

Hit Parked Vehicle Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

MC_DRINKING_DRIVER int4 Motorcycle Driver Drinking Flag

At least 1 Motorcycle driver has reported or suspected Alcohol Use; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

DRUGGED_DRIVER int4 Drugged Driver Flag

At least one Driver with Drugs reported or suspected

INJURY_OR_FATAL int4 Injury or Fatal Flag

At least 1 Person Was Injured or Killed in the Crash; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

COMM_VEHICLE int4 Commercial Vehicle Flag

Crash has at least 1 involved Commercial Vehicle; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

DEER_RELATED int4 Impaired Driver Flag

At least One Driver was Impaired by Drugs or Alcohol; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

DRUG_RELATED int4 Drug Related Flag

Deer Related Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

HAZARDOUS_TRUCK int4 Hazardous Material Truck Flag

At least one Heavy Truck carrying Hazardous Material; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

ILLEGAL_DRUG_RELATED int4 Illegal Drug Related Flag

Illegal Drug Related indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

ILLUMINATION_DARK int4 Dark Illumination Flag

Illumination Indicates that the Crash Scene Lighting was Dark; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

MINOR_INJURY int4 Minor Injury

Minor Injury Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

MODERATE_INJURY int4 Moderate Injury

Moderate Injury Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

MAJOR_INJURY int4 Major Injury

Major Injury Indicator; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

NHTSA_AGG_DRIVING int4 NHTSA Aggressive Driving Flag

The Crash meets the NHTSA definition of Aggressive Driving

PSP_REPORTED int4 Pennsylvania State Police Reported Flag

Crash Investigated by the Pennsylvania State Police; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

RUNNING_STOP_SIGN int4 Running Stop Sign Flag

Driver Running Stop Sign? 0 = No, 1 = Yes

TRAIN int4 Train Flag

The crash involved a Train? 0 = No, 1 = Yes

TROLLEY int4 Trolley Flag

The crash involved a Trolley? 0 = No, 1 = Yes


Crash Record Number (a unique identifier for the crash)

RDWY_SEQ_NUM int4 Crash Roadway Sequence Number

Crash Roadway Sequence Number

ADJ_RDWY_SEQ int4 Adjusted Roadway Sequence Number

Adjusted Roadway Sequence Number

ACCESS_CTRL text Access Control Code

Access Control Code- only for state roads

ROADWAY_COUNTY text Roadway County

County Code Number where crash occurred (02 == Allegheny County). This has the same value as the CRN_COUNTY field.

LANE_COUNT int4 Lane Count

Travel Lane Count

RDWY_ORIENT text Roadway Orientation Code

E - East N - North S - South U - Unknown W - West

ROAD_OWNER text Road Owner

Roadway maintained by state, local, or private jurisdiction.

1 - Interstate - non turnpike 2 - State highway 3 - County road 4 - Local road or street 5 - East-West portion of turnpike 6 - Turnpike spur (extension) 7 - Private Road 9 - Other or Unknown

ROUTE text Route Number

Route Number only for state roads

SPEED_LIMIT int4 Speed Limit

Speed Limit of Roadway

SEGMENT text Segment Number

Segment Number- only for state roads

OFFSET int4 Offset within Segment

Offset (in feet) within the Segment - only for state roads

STREET_NAME text Street Name

Name of the Roadway

TOT_INJ_COUNT int4 Total Injury Count

Total Injuries

SCHOOL_BUS_UNIT text School Bus Unit Flag

Zusätzliche Informationen

Feld Wert
Daten wurden zuletzt aktualisiert 12. September 2023
Metadaten zuletzt aktualisiert 12. September 2023
Erstellt 11. September 2023
Format CSV
Lizenz Creative Commons CCZero
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Package id3130f583-9499-472b-bb5a-f63a6ff6059a
Partial downloadFalse
Preview rows11.589
Size5,6 MiB
Total record count11.589
Url typedatapusher