
Spalte Typ Bezeichnung Beschreibung
neighborhood_municipality text Pittsburgh Neighborhood/Allegheny County Municipality

Municipality or City of Pittsburgh Neighborhood is based off the geocoded home address of the individual tested.

Individuals whose home address is incomplete may not be in Allegheny County but whose temporary residency, work or other mitigating circumstance are determined to be in Allegheny County by the Pennsylvania Department of Health are listed as "Undefined".

Due to minor discrepancies in the Municipal boundary and the City of Pittsburgh Neighborhood files individuals whose City Neighborhood cannot be identified are be listed as "Undefined (Pittsburgh)".

month text Month

Year and month of aggregates

individuals_tested int4 Individuals Tested

Number of individuals with at least 1 viral (PCR or Antigen) test result for Covid-19.

infections int4 Infections

Number of individuals infected with COVID-19 for the first time.

reinfections int4 Reinfections

Number of individuals infected with COVID-19 for the second time (at least 90 days after their initial infection).

total_infections int4

Sum of infections + reinfections.

breakthrough_infections int4

Number of infections for fully vaccinated individuals (1-dose or 2-dose series) after their fully vaccinated date (2 weeks after their final dose date).

deaths int4 Deaths

Number of deaths where Covid-19 case status is either confirmed or probable.

breakthrough_deaths int4

Number of deaths for fully vaccinated individuals (1-dose or 2-dose series) after their fully vaccinated date (2 weeks after their final dose date).

hospitalizations int4 Hospitalizations

Number of hospitalizations where Covid-19 case status is either confirmed or probable.

breakthrough_hospitalizations int4

Number of hospitalizations for fully vaccinated individuals (1-dose or 2-dose series) after their fully vaccinated date (2 weeks after their final dose date).

tests int4 Tests

Total number of tests (ag_tests + pcr_tests).

postives int4 Positives

Total number of tests with a positive test result (positive_ag_tests + positive_pcr_tests).

ag_tests int4 Antigen Tests

Number of antigen tests taken

positive_ag_tests int4 Positive Antigen Tests

Number where test type is antigen and test result is positive.

pcr_tests int4 PCR Tests

Number of PCR tests taken,

positive_pcr_tests int4 Positive PCR Tests

Where test type is PCR and test result is positive.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Feld Wert
Daten wurden zuletzt aktualisiert 1. Mai 2023
Metadaten zuletzt aktualisiert 1. April 2022
Erstellt 1. April 2022
Format CSV
Lizenz Creative Commons CCZero
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsFalse
Package id80e0ca5d-c88a-4b1a-bf5d-51d0aaeeac86
Url typedatapusher