
Spalte Typ Bezeichnung Beschreibung
month date Month

Date of the first day of the month

age_bucket text Age Bucket

Gives the age range at report_date for an individual with all those over the age of 70 are put into a single bucket. When not available in the PA-NEDSS information, the values in the Allegheny County data warehouse are used

ethnicity text Ethnicity

Ethnicity of the individual. Possible values: Hispanic, Not Hispanic, Unknown. When not available in the PA-NEDSS information, the values in the Allegheny County data warehouse are used

race text Race

Race of the individual. Possible values: White, Black, Asian, American Indian/Pacific Islander, Other, Unknown. When not available in the PA-NEDSS information, the values in the Allegheny County data warehouse are used

sex text Sex

Legal sex of the individual. Possible values: Female Male, Other, Unknown. When not available in the PA-NEDSS information, the values in the Allegheny County data warehouse are used

booster1 int4 Booster

Individuals who have received their booster dose after completing their primary 1-dose or 2-dose series

fully_vax_only int4 Fully Vaccinated Only

Individuals who have completed their primary 1-dose or 2-dose series and have not received a booster dose

partial_vax_only int4 Partial Vaccinated Only

Individuals who have not completed their primary 2-dose series but have received at least 1-dose

pv_infection_booster int4 Post-Vaccine Booster Infection

Individuals who were infected with COVID-19 after receiving their booster dose

pv_infection_fully_vax_only int4 Post-Vaccine Fully Vaccinated Only Infection

Individuals who were infected with COVID-19 at least 2 weeks after their final dose for their primary 1-dose or 2-dose series

pv_hospital_booster int4 Post-Vaccine Booster Hospitalization

Individuals who were infected and hospitalized for COVID-19 after receiving their booster dose

pv_hospital_fully_vax_only int4 Post-Vaccine Fully Vaccinated Only Hospitalization

Individuals who were infected and hospitalized for COVID-19 at least 2 weeks after their final dose for their primary 1-dose or 2-dose series

pv_death_booster int4 Post-Vaccine Fully Vaccinated Only Death

Individuals who were infected and died from COVID-19 complications after receiving their booster dose

pv_death_fully_vax_only int4 Post-Vaccine Fully Vaccinated Only Death

Individuals who were infected and died from COVID-19 complications at least 2 weeks after their final dose for their primary 1-dose or 2-dose series

unvax_infections int4 Un-Vaccinated Infections

Individuals who were infected with COVID-19 and were not vaccinated at the time of infection despite eligibility

unvax_hospitalizations int4 Un-Vaccinated Hospitalizations

Individuals who were infected and hospitalized from COVID-19 and were not vaccinated at the time of infection despite eligibility

unvax_deaths int4 Un-Vaccinated Deaths

Individuals who were infected and died from COVID-19 and were not vaccinated at the time of infection despite eligibility

Zusätzliche Informationen

Feld Wert
Daten wurden zuletzt aktualisiert 14. Juli 2022
Metadaten zuletzt aktualisiert 26. Mai 2022
Erstellt 26. Mai 2022
Format CSV
Lizenz Creative Commons CCZero
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsFalse
Package id80e0ca5d-c88a-4b1a-bf5d-51d0aaeeac86
Url typedatapusher