Allegheny County Council Districts

This dataset portrays the boundaries of the County Council Districts in Allegheny County. The dataset is based on municipal boundaries and City of Pittsburgh ward boundaries and was updated as the result of reapportionment in September 2002. It has also been attributed with the current representatives' names.

This dataset is harvested on a weekly basis from Allegheny County’s GIS data portal.

Category: Civic Vitality and Governance

Department: Geographic Information Systems Group; Department of Administrative Services

Daten und Ressourcen

Zusätzliche Informationen

Feld Wert
Public Access Level Comment
Temporal Coverage 2002-present
Geographic Unit
Data Notes

Coordinate System: Pennsylvania State Plane South Zone 3702; U.S. Survey Foot

Related Document(s)
Frequency - Data Change As Needed
Frequency - Publishing As Needed
Data Steward Eli Thomas
Data Steward Email Eli Thomas