117 Datensätze gefunden

Lizenzen: Creative Commons CCZero

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  • Pittsburgh SNAP Census Data

    City of Pittsburgh

    City of Pittsburgh SNAP census data 2010.
  • Pittsburgh Map

    City of Pittsburgh

    Map of Pittsburgh with multiple data layers
  • This compilation includes 8 historical datasets, part of the collection of the Pittsburgh University Library System. Prepared by the Health and Welfare Planning Association, and funded by the Richard King Melon Foundation, the profiles were intended to inform the people, organizations and businesses of Allegheny...
  • Pittsburgh Neighborhood Atlas, 1977

    University of Pittsburgh

    This compilation includes five historical datasets that are part of the University of Pittsburgh Library collection. The datasets were transcribed from The Pittsburgh Neighborhood Atlas, published in 1977. The atlas was prepared by the Pittsburgh Neighborhood Alliance. The information provides an insight into the...
  • MovePGH Project Map

    City of Pittsburgh

    Map Showing locations of Projects Classified for MovePGH
  • COVID-19 Cases information is reported through the Pennsylvania State Department’s National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (PA-NEDSS). As new cases are passed to the Allegheny County Health Department they are investigated by case investigators. During investigation some cases which are initially determined...
  • An inventory of emissions including greenhouse gases, criteria pollutants, hazardous air pollutants and sulfur compounds emitted by facilities monitored by the Allegheny County Health Department. Support for Health Equity datasets and tools provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) through their Health Equity Initiative.
  • Snow Plow Activity (2018-2020)

    City of Pittsburgh

    Snow Plow GPS readings during declared City of Pittsburgh Snow Events. Includes readings on plow (up or down) and salt spreader speed. Please note: The system tracking snow plows was not fully deployed for the 2018-2019 or 2019-2020 seasons. Therefore readings from these events may not include all the vehicles or...
  • Mail carriers routinely collect data on address no longer receiving mail due to vacancy. This vacancy data is reported quarterly at census tract geographies in the United States for residential, commercial, and industrial properties along with counts of total mailing addresses. Preprocessing/Formatting The data is...
  • Operation Green Spaces

    City of Pittsburgh

    Inventory of City of Pittsburgh green spaces, maintained by the Operations Division in the Department of Public Works.
  • Webmap of Allegheny municipalities and parcel data. Zoom for a clickable parcel map with owner name, property photograph, and link to the County Real Estate website for property sales information.
  • WPRDC Statistics

    Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center

    Data about the usage of the WPRDC site and its various datasets, obtained by combining Google Analytics statistics with information from the WPRDC's data portal. This data is no longer updating, as we've stopped using Google Analytics, but we plan to add a table here with statistics from our new solution for...
  • NOTE: This dataset is no longer being updated. For current right-of-way data, see https://data.wprdc.org/dataset/street-closures. Submitted permits which affect the public right of way, including; road openings, machinery, valet parking, traffic obstructions, and more.
  • This data includes several different tables presenting counts of births by race (total, Black, white) by Census Tract aggregated over a five-year period (2014-18). Data extracted from Pennsylvania's Vital Statistics Database with the following disclaimer: "These data were provided by the Pennsylvania Department of...
  • For more than three decades UCSUR has documented the status of older adults in the County along multiple life domains. Every decade we issue a comprehensive report on aging in Allegheny County and this report represents our most recent effort. It documents important shifts in the demographic profile of the...
  • The median age at death is calculated for each municipality in Allegheny County. Data is based on the decedent's residence at the time of death, not the location where the death occurred. Median age by municipality is based on “official” death records that have been released by the Pennsylvania Department of Health....
  • List and location of all the businesses and social clubs who have received an exemption from the Pennsylvania Clean Indoor Air Act. “The Clean Indoor Air Act, Act 27 of 2008, was signed into law on June 13, 2008. The legislation prohibits smoking in a public place or a workplace and lists examples of what is...
  • Pittsburgh Fish Fry Locations

    Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center

    Lenten Fish Fry records for the Greater Pittsburgh region. Data is collected before and during the Lenten fish fry season each year by Code for Pittsburgh. Data is sourced from news outlets, social media, and public requests.
  • City of Pittsburgh Public Art

    City of Pittsburgh

    Public art projects in the City of Pittsburgh, including type of art, artist's name, and location. NOTE: The data in this dataset has not updated since 2021 because of a broken data feed. We're working to fix it.
  • Profiles Data

    Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center

    Data used to link profiles with data in the data center.
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